
Simple status check web server.

Build Status Gem Version


You might want to use this to provide a status check to an AWS ELB where you don't have a web server in your app. Having a status check lets you quietly kill unhealthy instances and replace them.

See these AWS Docs.


require 'quietus'

optional_hostname = 'localhost'
optional_port     = '2347'

# quietus runs your check in a loop, so you might want to sleep
def your_status_check
  sleep 1

# quietus is blocking so you might want to run it in a thread or fork depending on your Ruby version
t = Thread.new do
  Quietus::Server.new(optional_hostname, optional_port) { your_status_check }

The Quietus server will return a 200 if your_status_check is truthy, 500 otherwise

By default quietus runs on port 2347.