
to get the result list by querying "abc"

Query::Engine::Baidu.new.query("abc").ranks().each do |id,value| puts id,value end

to get the result list with host "www.abc.com.cn" by querying "abc"

Query::Engine::Baidu.new.query("abc").ranks("www.abc.com.cn").each do |id,value| puts id,value end

to get the result list with host which fit the regex /com.cn/ by querying "abc"

Query::Engine::Baidu.new.query("abc").ranks(/com.cn/).each do |id,value| puts id,value end

to get the top rank of host "www.abc.com.cn" by querying "abc"

puts Query::Engine::Baidu.new.query("abc").rank("www.abc.com.cn")
#[3,1,2,4] => [rank_seo, rank_top_ads, rank_right_ads, rank_bottom_ads]

TODO: 查询结果不多,翻页不存在时的处理,及rspec 增加其他搜索引擎