
Ruby client for the QuickBooks Online API version 3.

  • Built on top of the excellent Faraday gem.
  • JSON only support.
    • Please don't ask about XML support. Intuit has stated that JSON is the primary data format for the QuickBooks API (v3 and beyond). This gem will specialize in JSON only. The quickbooks-ruby gem has fantastic support for those who favor XML.
  • Features specs built directly against a QuickBooks Online Sandbox via the VCR gem.
  • Robust error handling.

Ruby >= 2.2.2 required


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'qbo_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install qbo_api



  q = . # or wherever you are storing the OAuth creds
  qbo_api = QboApi.new(token: q.token, token_secret: q.secret, realm_id: q.companyid)

Configuration options

  • By default this client runs against a QBO sandbox. To run against the production QBO API URL do: ruby QboApi.production = true
  • Logging: ruby QboApi.log = true
  • To change logging target from $stdout e.g. ruby QboApi.logger = Rails.logger


  invoice = {
    "Line": [
        "Amount": 100.00,
        "DetailType": "SalesItemLineDetail",
        "SalesItemLineDetail": {
          "ItemRef": {
            "value": "1",
            "name": "Services"
    "CustomerRef": {
      "value": "1"
  response = qbo_api.create(:invoice, payload: invoice)
  p response['Id'] # => 65


  customer = { 
    DisplayName: 'Jack Doe',
    PrimaryPhone: {
      FreeFormNumber: "(415) 444-1234"
  response = qbo_api.update(:customer, id: 60, payload: customer)
  p response.fetch('PrimaryPhone').fetch('FreeFormNumber') # => "(415) 444-1234"

Delete (only works for transaction entities)

  response = qbo_api.delete(:invoice, id: 145)
  p response['status'] # => "Deleted"

Search with irregular characters

  name = qbo_api.esc "Amy's Bird Sanctuary"
  response = qbo_api.query(%{SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE DisplayName = '#{name}'})

Get an entity by its id

  response = qbo_api.get(:customer, 5)
  p response['DisplayName'] # => "Dukes Basketball Camp"

Respond to an error

  customer = { DisplayName: 'Weiskopf Consulting' } 
    response = qbo_api.create(:customer, payload: customer)
  rescue QboApi::BadRequest => e
    if e.message =~ /Another customer already exists with this name/
      # Query for Id using DisplayName
      # Do an qbo_api.update instead

Import/retrieve all

  # retrieves all customers
  qbo_api.all(:customers) do |c|
    p "#{c['Id']} #{c['DisplayName']}"

  # retrieves all vendors by groups of 5
  qbo_api.all(:vendor, max: 5) do |v|
    p v['DisplayName']

  # retrieves all customers by groups of 2 using a custom select query
  where = "WHERE Id IN ('5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10')"
  qbo_api.all(:customer, max: 2, select: "SELECT * FROM Customer #{where}") do |c|
    p c['DisplayName']

What kind of QuickBooks entity?

  p qbo_api.is_transaction_entity?(:invoice) # => true
  # Plural is supported as well
  p qbo_api.is_transaction_entity?(:invoices) # => true
  p qbo_api.is_transaction_entity?(:customer) # => false
  p qbo_api.is_name_list_entity?(:vendors) # => true

Spin up an example

  • git clone git://github.com/minimul/qbo_api
  • cd qbo_api
  • Create a .env file
    • DO NOT check in your .env file ruby export QBO_API_CONSUMER_KEY=<Your QuickBooks apps consumer key> export QBO_API_CONSUMER_SECRET=<Your QuickBooks apps consumer secret>
  • Goto http://localhost:9393
  • Use the Connect to QuickBooks button to connect to your QuickBooks sandbox, which you receive when signing up at https://developer.intuit.com.
  • After successfully connecting to your sandbox run:
    • http://localhost:9393/customer/5
    • You should see "Dukes Basketball Camp" displayed
  • Checkout the example (example/app.rb) code to see what is going on.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/minimul/qbo_api.

Running the specs

  • You at least need to add the following values to a .env file
    • DO NOT check in your .env file ruby export QBO_API_CONSUMER_KEY=<Your QuickBooks apps consumer key> export QBO_API_CONSUMER_SECRET=<Your QuickBooks apps consumer secret> export QBO_API_ACCESS_TOKEN=<OAuth token against your sandbox> export QBO_API_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=<OAuth token secret against your sandbox> export QBO_API_COMPANY_ID=<Your sandbox company id>
  • Note: You can get the access token and secret by using the built-in example.
  • To simply run the specs the values don't have to be valid but the variables do need to be set.
  • bundle exec rspec spec

Creating new specs or modifying existing spec that have been recorded using the VCR gem.

  • All specs that require interaction with the API must be recorded against your personal QuickBooks sandbox.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.