Getting Started with QB

Meant to help get you up and running.


  1. macOS (OSX)

    The only thing it's developed, tested and used on at this point, though I don't see any fundamental reason it won't run on *nix.

    Exactly zero Windows support.

    I'm running 10.12.6 "Sierra" right now, and it's not tested in anything else because I'm not aware of any reasonably cheap and easy way to test on a variety of macOS versions.

  2. Homebrew

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

    Not totally necessary if you already have all the other prereqs setup or want to figure out how to do so on your own.

  3. Python 2 (for Ansible)

    brew install python2

    Should come with pip2. I haven't used anything except 2.7.X, currently on 2.7.13.

  4. Ansible

    I use the latest stable version available through pip2:

    pip2 install ansible

    I think we need at least 2.1.2, and may need something higher by now. Using right now, which you can explicitly install like:

    pip2 install ansible==

    Basically have been upgrading whenever I hit bugs or try to use a feature just to find it isn't in my version, which has been... often.

  5. Recent Ruby

    QB uses refinements, so the Ruby 2.0.0 that ships on recent versions of macOS won't suffice. Currently testing against 2.3.4.

    I use rbenv, something like:

    brew install rbenv
    rbenv init # and follow instructions
    rbenv install 2.3.4 # or whatever
    rbenv global 2.3.4
  6. Recent Node.js

    brew install node

    I think Node is only used right now for the semver package, so if you don't use any of the version functionality in QB you probably don't need it?


It's just gem from there:

gem install qb


Yeah TODO someday maybe.

For now just go read about QB Roles, that's the important part.