emoticon: A library for transcoding Japanese mobile phones’ emoticons (emoji)

This library has been extracted and refactored from Jpmobile, a rails plugin for handling Japanese mobile phones. Most of the code in this library was written for Jpmobile. Once this library is mature, I hope to merge it back into Jpmobile.


This library is released under the same MIT License as Jpmobile, as described in the file MIT-LICENSE.


Once again, I did not do most of the work in creating this library. Most of the credit goes to Yohji Shidara (and any others) who worked on the original Jpmobile code.

Paul McMahon


Jpmobileの作者 / Author of Jpmobile

Project Website: jpmobile-rails.org

Copyright 2006 © Yohji Shidara, under MIT License.

Yohji Shidara <[email protected]>
