Puter: provision VMs in a Docker-like way

Puter is a tool to quickly and easily provision virtual machine images and instances directly on virtualization and cloud providers.

Using a Puterfile syntax that closely resembles Dockerfile syntax, Puter makes it easy and familiar to create new base VM images.

Example Puterfile

Usage Example

Given a repo with the following structure:

|-- Puterfile
|-- localfile.txt
|-- localfile_with_a_really_really_longname.txt


FROM myorg.tld/baseos
# Start with any base image on your virtualization provider

# Run some simple commands
RUN touch /tmp/puter.txt
RUN userdel -f puter1; useradd puter1
RUN sudo -u puter1 whoami

# Copy some files to the new machine
COPY localfile.txt /tmp/explicit_name.txt

# Extend long lines with \ syntax
COPY localfile_with_a_really_really_longname.txt \

# Don't fear shell redirection and special characters
RUN touch /tmp/puter.txt && \
    echo more commands > /tmp/puter.txt && \
    echo done
RUN echo puter1 >> /tmp/puter.txt

# output from long running commands is visible along the way
RUN for i in `seq 1 5`; do echo $i; sleep 1; done;

RUN echo complete

Build an image

$ puter vm build myorg.tld/puterWithStuff examples
Building '/Puter/Images/myorg.tld/puterWithStuff' FROM '/Puter/Images/c65.small'
Waiting for SSH
Applying '/Users/pairing/projects/puter/examples/Puterfile' to '/Puter/Build/myorg.tld/puterWithStuff' at
Step 0 : FROM myorg.tld/baseos
Step 1 : RUN touch /tmp/puter.txt
Step 2 : RUN userdel -f puter1; useradd puter1
userdel: user 'puter1' does not exist
Step 3 : RUN sudo -u puter1 whoami
Step 4 : COPY localfile.txt /tmp/explicit_name.txt
Step 5 : COPY localfile_with_a_really_really_longname.txt  /home/puter1/
Step 6 : RUN touch /tmp/puter.txt &&  echo more commands > /tmp/puter.txt &&  echo done
Step 7 : RUN echo puter1 >> /tmp/puter.txt
Step 8 : RUN for i in `seq 1 5`; do echo $i; sleep 1; done;
Step 9 : RUN echo complete
Stopping '/Puter/Build/myorg.tld/puterWithStuff' and moving to '/Puter/Images/myorg.tld/puterWithStuff'
Successfully built 'myorg.tld/puterWithStuff'

### Build an image

Create and start an instance

$ puter vm create myorg.tld/puterWithStuff puter1
Created instance '/Puter/Instances/puter1' from '/Puter/Images/myorg.tld/puterWithStuff'

$ puter vm start puter1
Starting instance '/Puter/Instances/puter1', waiting for SSH...
Started '/Puter/Instances/puter1' at

Virtualization providers

Currently only VMware vSphere is supported. Amazon AWS support is planned.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'puter'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install puter


$ puter help
puter help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific command
puter version         # Display puter version.
puter vm              # VMware vSphere related tasks. Type puter vm for more help.

[--version], [--no-version]  # Show program version


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/puter/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request