
Gem Version Code Climate Test Coverage Codeship

A nice proxy listenning to a RabbitMQ bus, repeating selected messages in POST requests when filters match routing patterns

Known bugs

  • As this project is based on the Psyck YAML parser, configuration merge from "defaults" section and environment-specific section are broken. A sub-tree defined for a specific environment, will overwrite the corresponding subtree from "defaults". Please repeat whole sections from "defaults".


Contributions are more than welcome, be it for documentation, features, tests, refactoring, you name it. If you are unsure of where to start, the Code Climate report will provide you with improvement directions. And of course, if in doubt, do not hesitate to open an issue. (Please note that this project has adopted a code of conduct.)

If you want your contribution to adopted in the smoothest and fastest way, don't forget to:

  • provide sufficient documentation in you commit and pull request
  • add proper testing (we know full grown solid test coverage is still lacking and need to up the game)
  • use the RuboCop guidelines provided (there are all sorts of editor integration plugins available)


  1. Fork the project
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Code
    • add proper tests if adding a feature
    • run the tests using rake
    • check for RuboCop style guide violations
  4. Commit your changes
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request


This project has been initiated and originally written by Bruno MEDICI Consultant (http://bmconseil.com/)