Gem Version

Puppeteer in Ruby

A Ruby port of puppeteer.


REMARK: This Gem covers just a part of Puppeteer APIs. See API Coverage list for detail. Feedbacks and feature requests are welcome :)

Getting Started


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

“by gem ‘puppeteer-ruby’

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Capture a site

“by require ‘puppeteer-ruby’

Puppeteer.launch(headless: false) do |browser| page = browser.new_page page.goto(“”) page.screenshot(path: “YusukeIwaki.png”) end

NOTE: require 'puppeteer-ruby' is not necessary in Rails.

Simple scraping

“by require ‘puppeteer-ruby’

Puppeteer.launch(headless: false, slow_mo: 50, args: [window-size=1280,800]) do |browser| page = browser.new_page page.viewport = 1280, height: 800) page.goto(“”, wait_until: ‘domcontentloaded’)

form = page.query_selector(“form.js-site-search-form”) search_input = form.query_selector(“input.header-search-input”) page.keyboard.type_text(“puppeteer”)

page.wait_for_navigation do‘Enter’) end

list = page.query_selector(“ul.repo-list”) items = list.query_selector_all(“div.f4”) items.each do |item| title = item.eval_on_selector(“a”, “a => a.innerText”) puts(“==> #title”) end end

Evaluate JavaScript

“by require ‘puppeteer-ruby’

Puppeteer.launch do |browser| page = browser.new_page page.goto ‘’

# Get the “viewport” of the page, as reported by the page. dimensions = page.evaluate(«~JAVASCRIPT) () => { return { width: document.documentElement.clientWidth, height: document.documentElement.clientHeight, deviceScaleFactor: window.devicePixelRatio }; } JAVASCRIPT

puts “dimensions: #dimensions” # => dimensions: “height”=>600, “deviceScaleFactor”=>1 end

More usage examples can be found here

:whale: Running in Docker

Following packages are required.

  • Google Chrome or Chromium
    • In Debian-based images, google-chrome-stable
    • In Alpine-based images, chromium

Also, CJK font will be required for Chinese, Japanese, Korean sites.


  • Puppeteer official README:
  • puppeteer-ruby example:

:bulb: Collaboration with Selenium or Capybara

It is really remarkable that we can use puppeteer functions in existing Selenium or Capybara codes, with a few configuration in advance.

“by require ‘spec_helper’

RSpec.describe ‘’, type: :feature do before { visit ‘’

# acquire Puppeteer::Browser instance, by connecting Chrome with DevTools Protocol.
@browser = Puppeteer.connect(
             browser_url: 'http://localhost:9222',
             default_viewport: 1280, height: 800))


after { # release Puppeteer::Browser reesource. @browser.disconnect }

it ‘can be handled with puppeteer and assert with Capybara’ do # automation with puppeteer puppeteer_page = @browser.pages.first puppeteer_page.wait_for_selector(‘li.nav-item’)

reservation_link = puppeteer_page.query_selector_all('li.nav-item')[1]

puppeteer_page.wait_for_navigation do

# expectation with Capybara DSL
expect(page).to have_text('宿泊プラン一覧')


it ‘can be handled with Capybara and assert with puppeteer’ do # automation with Capybara page.all(‘li.nav-item’)[1].click

# expectation with puppeteer
puppeteer_page = @browser.pages.first
body_text = puppeteer_page.eval_on_selector('body', '(el) => el.textContent')
expect(body_text).to include('宿泊プラン一覧')


The detailed step of configuration can be found here.

:bulb: Use Puppeteer methods simply without Capybara::DSL

We can also use puppeteer-ruby as it is without Capybara DSL. When you want to just test a Rails application simply with Puppeteer, refer this section.

Also, if you have trouble with handling flaky/unstable testcases in existing feature/system specs, consider replacing Capybara::DSL with raw puppeteer-ruby codes like page.wait_for_selector(...) or page.wait_for_navigation { ... }.

Capybara prepares test server even when Capybara DSL is not used.

Sample configuration is shown below. You can use it by putting the file at spec/support/puppeteer_ruby.rb or another location where RSpec loads on initialization.

“by RSpec.configure do |config| require ‘capybara’

# This driver only requests Capybara to launch test server. # Remark that no Capybara::DSL is available with this driver. class CapybaraNullDriver < Capybara::Driver::Base def needs_server? true end end

Capybara.register_driver(:null) { }

config.around(driver: :null) do |example| Capybara.current_driver = :null

# Rails server is launched here,
# (at the first time of accessing Capybara.current_session.server)
@base_url = Capybara.current_session.server.base_url

require 'puppeteer'
launch_options = {
  # Use launch options as you like.
  channel: :chrome,
  headless: false,
Puppeteer.launch(**launch_options) do |browser|
  @puppeteer_page = browser.new_page


end end

Now, we can work with integration test using Puppeteer::Page in puppeteer-ruby.

“by RSpec.describe ‘Sample integration tests’, driver: :null do let(:page) { @puppeteer_page } let(:base_url) { @base_url }

it ‘should work with Puppeteer’ do # null driver only launches server, and Capybara::DSL is unavailable. expect { visit ‘/’ }.to raise_error(/NotImplementedError/)


# Automation with Puppeteer
h1_text = page.eval_on_selector('h1', '(el) => el.textContent')
expect(h1_text).to eq('It works!')

end end



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at