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This gem provides facts for rspec-puppet, much like apenny/puppet_facts but targeted toward open source puppet whereas puppet_facts seems to be aimed at Puppet Enterprise.

This project is very (very) new. If you're successful in using it (or not) I'd really appreciate feedback.

Puppet module developers (should) use rspec-puppet to validate conditional logic. One of the most common forms of conditional logic is to change behavior based on operating system or linux distribution. Unfortunately, most rspec-puppet tests only include a handful of relevant facts from one or two popular Linux distributions. This gem is intended to provide a flexible way to iterate across platforms with full facter facts.

In order to be useful, this needs a wide range of facts from different platforms. You can help by making pull requests, or by submitting facts to facts.whilefork.com via HTTP POST:

facter --json | curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- http://facts.whilefork.com


Add this line to your puppet module's Gemfile:

    gem 'puppet_spec_facts'

Add these lines to your spec/spec_helper.rb file:

    require 'puppet_spec_facts'
    include PuppetSpecFacts


The code below doesn't quite work yet, so wait for an update on this before trying to use it.

To iterate through all available fact sets, do something like the following in your spec file:

require 'spec_helper'
include PuppetSpecFacts # shown here, but should be included from spec_helper.rb

describe 'example' do
  context 'all operating systems' do
    PuppetSpecFacts.puppet_platforms.each do |name, facthash|
    # at this point, name is a human-readable string like:
    # FreeBSD_10.0-RELEASE_amd64_3.6.2_structured
    # Debian_wheezy_7.7_i386_PE-3.3.2_stringified
    # CentOS_5.11_x86_64_3.7.1_structured
    # etc
      describe "example class without any parameters on #{name}" do
        let(:params) {{ }}
        let(:facts) { facthash } # the fact hash from puppet_spec_facts is now available for rspec tests

        it { should compile.with_all_deps }

In the real world, you probably don't want to iterate through all of the platforms, so puppet_spec_facts allows you to query a subset based on facter facts:

require 'spec_helper'

describe 'example' do
  context 'all operating systems' do
      select_facts: {
        'lsbdistid' => 'CentOS',
        'architecture' => 'x86_64',
        'is_pe' => 'true',
        'fact_style' => 'stringified'
    }) do |name, facthash|
    # This loads all fact sets for Puppet Enterprise on x86_64 CentOS with stringified-style facts
      describe "example class without any parameters on #{name}" do
        let(:params) {{ }}
        let(:facts) { facthash } # the facter output you sent in above is now available in rspec

        it { should compile.with_all_deps }

In many cases, this will provide too many results. You can constrain the results further by using the select_facts parameter to indicate the general set, then the unique_selector parameter to only return one result for the parameters specified in unique_selector. For example, you may wish to only get one result per operatingsystemrelease fact, to avoid testing