PuppetGenerator User Documentation

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Writing Puppet-manifests made easy...


Writing manifests for puppet can be very time consuming and quite boring. The PuppetGeneratore reduces the amount of time for writing puppet manifests alot by generating a basic structure for:

  • User resources
  • Package resources
  • File resources
  • ...

This project can help you if you:

  • have alot manifests to write
  • simple manifests to write
  • need a skeleton to start with

This project cannot help you if you:

  • have few very complex manifests to write
  • have no fun in using new tools ;-)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'puppet_generator'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install puppet_generator



The puppet generator comes with a single executable called ppgen. It uses a syntax similar to git.

ppgen <command> [options] <subcommand> [suboptions] 

To get help, please call it with help as parameter or --help|-h as option.


ppgen help
ppgen help <command>
ppgen <command> help <subcommand>
ppgen --help
ppgen -h

In general it supports some other special options. A better description for all other options is given below and is available via the help-command as well.

  • --debug: Gives you very detailed debug output
  • --silent: Makes it silent


ppgen <command> <subcommand> --debug


ppgen <command> <subcommand> --silent

Besides the given options ppgen provides a way to define the name of the module and the class name for the given resource used to create the output

  • Module name: --module
  • Class name: --class


ppgen <command> <subcommand> --module mymodule --class myclass

# output
class mymodule::myclass {



Data flow

The flow of data through ppgen is described in the following figure. Today it reads data data via an importer (1) first -- there's no streaming support available. After the import filter the data via the import filter (2) and then the export filter (3). To output the filtered data ppgen uses a suitable exporter (4).

Please note:

Available options for (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) may depend on the chosen command and/or subcommand.


Input --> Importer --> ImportFilter --> ExportFilter --> Action --> Exporter --> Output
            (1)           (2)               (3)           (4)         (5)

All Available Options for Importer, Import|ExportFilter, Action, Exporter

ppgen supports the following importers:

  • File: Read data from a file
  • Directory: Generate a listing for a directory and use all items (directory/file) found
  • Stdin: Read data from stdin

Which importer to use is determined via <input>. If it's a file the File-importer is used and so on.


ppgen <command> <subcommand> --source <input>
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --source file.txt
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --source dir.d
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --source stdin

ppgen supports the following import filters:

  • Null (null, default): Import plain text data
  • Yaml (yaml): Import YAML documents
  • Passwd (passwd): Import structured data from /etc/passwd (linux/unix-operating systems only)


ppgen <command> <subcommand> --import-filter <filter>
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --import-filter null
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --import-filter yaml
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --import-filter passwd

ppgen supports the following export filters:

  • Null (null, default): No modification of data
  • Filesystem attributes (filesystem_attributes): It tries to read filesystem attributes like owner, mode etc. from the filesystem
  • Build role for directory (build_role_includes_for_directory): Special export filter which scans a directory for *.pp and generates a <dir'>.pp including the sub-pp-files


ppgen <command> <subcommand> --export-filter <filter>
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --export-filter null
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --export-filter filesystem_attributes
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --export-filter build_role_includes_for_directory

ppgen supports the following actions:

  • Null (null, default): no action
  • Copy files to module (copy_files_to_module_directory): Given a module name (default: mymodule) it copies existing files to a directory <module>


ppgen <command> <subcommand> --action <action>
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --action null
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --action copy_files_to_module_directory

ppgen supports the following exporters:

  • File (file): Store output in a single file
  • Directory (dir|directory): Store output in multiple files (name = equals name of resource, user => hans, name => hans.pp)
  • Stdout (stdout): Output data to stdout


ppgen <command> <subcommand> --destination <destination>
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --destination file:file.txt
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --destination dir:dir1.d
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --destination directory:dir1.d
ppgen <command> <subcommand> --destination stdout

It supports create, list (not implemented yet) and show(not implemented yet)-commands, as well as the special tasks-command. The last one should make the usage easier. Instead of giving ppgen all needed options it is a shortcut for some options so that you need to provide a --source and a --destination-option only.

Please use the following command to get an overview about the available resource which can be created

ppgen help create

Data formats

If you chose to use the yaml import filter, the following YAML-file-formats are supported for the create-command.


  userid: 1000
  groupid: 1000
  homedir: /home/user1
  shell: /usr/bin/bash


  version: 1
  provider: yum


  source: puppet:///module/file.txt
  owner: user1
  mode: 0644


    - name1
    - name2


Create a user manifests from plain text file and writing it to a file

Input: file.txt



ppgen create user --source file.txt --destination file:output.txt

Output: output.txt

class mymodule::myclass {
  user {'user1':
    ensure     => present,
    managehome => true,
  user {'user2':
    ensure     => present,
    managehome => true,

Create a user manifests from yaml writing it to stdout

Input: file.yml

  userid: 1000
  groupid: 1000
  homedir: /home/user1
  shell: /usr/bin/bash


ppgen create user --source file.yml --destination file:output.txt --import-filter yaml

Output: output.txt

class mymodule::myclass {
  user {'user1':
    ensure     => present,
    managehome => true,
    uid        => '1000',
    gid        => '1000',
    home       => '/home/user1',
    shell      => '/usr/bin/bash',

Create module skeleton


ppgen create module --module name

Output: Directory name

|-- files
`-- manifests
    `-- init.pp

Create roles for existing pp-files

Please note: You should run this command only on VCS-enabled module directories (e.g. git,cvs,svn,bazar,mercurial). It may overwrite existing role-files (e.g. directory = 'dir1', role-file = 'dir1.pp').


|-- files
`-- manifests
    |-- apps
    |   |-- firefox.pp
    |   |-- i3.pp
    |   `-- mutt.pp
    `-- init.pp


cd name/manifests
ppgen create role --export-filter build_role_includes_for_directory --source apps --destination dir:./

Output: file apps.pp

|-- files
`-- manifests
    |-- apps
    |   |-- firefox.pp
    |   |-- i3.pp
    |   `-- mutt.pp
    |-- apps.pp        <--- NEW
    `-- init.pp

Tipps & Tricks

Remote access to filesystem

Some of ppgen commands and/or options need filesystem access. If you try to migrate a server and it's not possible to install the puppet_generator onto the old one, sshfs may help you. Please consult the manual of sshfs to make it work.

Jump Server Infrastructure

To make your life in an infrastructure with a jump server easier, you could use the following ssh setup, which can be used with sshfs as well (recommened for the use with sshfs by the author of this manual)! Given the following infrastructure:

linux/unit work station --> jump server --> target server

You build up a ssh connection from the workstation (1) to the jump server (2).

linux/unit work station ====== jump server
         (1)             ssh       (2)

Furthermore: You build up a tcp connection from the jump server (2) to the target server (3).

                               jump server ****** target server
                                   (2)       tcp       (3)

Done this way you have a connection like the following one in the next figure.

linux/unit work station ====== jump server ****** target server
                         ssh                 tcp          

Then you instruct ssh to use this connection for another ssh connection: from the workstation to the target server. This works by using the first connection as proxy connection via the ssh proxy command (see below).

linux/unit work station ------------------------- target server
         (1)                  (jump server)            (3)

To get this up and running you should use a ssh configuration similar to the following one: File $HOME/.ssh/config:

Host jump_server
Hostname jump_server.example.com
User user
ForwardAgent yes 
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Host target_server
Hostname target_server.example.com
User admin
ForwardAgent yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ProxyCommand ssh user@jump_server "socat - TCP4:%h:%p"       <--- most important line

Furthermore you need to install a utitilty which is able to bridge STDIN to TCP like socat or netcat. Personally I prefer socat because from my point of view it's the most flexible tool for this type of task.


Please see the developer-documentation for more details.

© 2013 Max Meyer and Contributors. All rights reserved. Please see Licence.
