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This gem provides the output of Facter on several representative test systems which makes a complete set of OS specific facts (AKA factsets) available to programs such as Onceover and PDQTest. The aim here is to provide a shared, reusable and small library providing easy access to facter output on as many platforms as possible.

Adding new platforms

To create support for additional platforms all we need to do is log onto a real machine that has puppet installed and run:

puppet facts > OSNAME-OSVERSION-ARCH.json


  • OSNAME is the Operating System name, eg Debian
  • OSVERSION is the Operating System version number, eg 7.8
  • ARCH indicates the CPU architecture, eg 32, 64, powerpc

puppet facts will give raw json output of every fact which puppet knows about.

Once we have our factset all we need to do is copy it into res/factset/ inside this git repository and commit it to version control. To share your new platform support with the world, please create a Pull Request.

Factsets are named based on their filename, not the name of the server they came from/


puppet_factset is intended to be used as a library and provides no executable. To use in your own application, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'puppet_factset'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install puppet_factset


  • puppet_factset provides a minimal API to obtain fact information, see below
  • Dependencies are deliberately kept small/absent

Factset Directory

To obtain the real filesystem directory containing the factset files (res/factset):

require 'puppet_factset'
factset_dir =  PuppetFactset::factset_dir

Hash of facts

To obtain a representitive hash of facts for a given system:

require 'puppet_factset'
fact_hash = PuppetFactset::factset_hash(system_name)
  • system_name needs to correspond to a file in the factset dir, eg use 'Debian-7.8-64' to access the 'Debian-7.8-64.json' file.
  • If required system is absent a RuntimeError will be raised

Available Factsets

To obtain the list of available factsets suitable for use with factset_hash:

require 'puppet_factset'
factsets = PuppetFactset::factsets
  • The factsets array will be sorted A-Z

Merging additional facts/handling external facts

Sometimes you need to ensure that a fact is present without worrying to much about its real-world value, for example external facts or custom in-module facts that do things such as query for the system for package versions, etc.

puppet_factset will automatically merge the hiera data found in all .json files found inside the spec/merge_facts directory, relative to the current working directory into factset data for each OS when accessed via the above API (the factset files themselves are unchanged).

Worked example

  "extra_fact": "hello"
require 'puppet_factset'
fact_hash = PuppetFactset::factset_hash(system_name)
puts fact_hash["extra_fact"]  # from your json file
puts fact_hash["osfamily"]    # from the facts shipped inside this gem

Note that its possible to silently override shipped factsets using this method as well. I regard this as a feature.


  • RSpec tests are provided, please ensure these pass before and after adding any ruby code to the project
  • If adding new functionality, please write an acommpanying testcase
  • To run tests: bundle install && bundle exec rake spec



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at