puppet-lint no_cron_resources check

Extends puppet-lint to ensure no cron resources are contained in the catalog.

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Sometimes there are certain puppet resource types that you don't want to include in your code base. This could be a fragile one like cron, an easy to abuse one like augeas or one you just dislike the name of, I'm looking at you computer. This puppet-lint check will display a warning each time it finds a usage of that resource, in this case cron.


To use this plugin add the following line to your Gemfile

gem 'puppet-lint-no_cron_resources-check'

and then run bundle install


This plugin provides a new check to puppet-lint that warns if it finds a cron resource.

cron resources should not be used


It may be that you love cron resources but hate the idea of another specific type appearing in your code. To modify this puppet-line check to detect another type you only need to run the following commands:

# grab this repo
git clone https://github.com/deanwilson/puppet-lint-no_cron_resources-check.git

# make a new copy of the code and cd to it
cp -a puppet-lint-no_cron_resources-check puppet-lint-no_augeas_resources-check
cd puppet-lint-no_augeas_resources-check/

# rename the files and replace the resource type.
find | grep -v .git | xargs -n 1 rename cron augeas
find -type f | grep -v .git | xargs sed -i -e 's/cron/augeas/g'

# and rerun the tests
bundle exec rake spec


Dean Wilson