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A puppet-lint plugin to check and fix class params/equals alignment.


This plugin provides 3 checks for puppet-lint:

  • class_params_newline
  • class_params_alignment
  • class_equals_alignment

It supports --fix flag.

To properly reformat the code, run puppet-lint --fix like this:

$ puppet-lint --only-checks class_params_newline --fix .
$ puppet-lint --only-checks class_params_alignment --fix .
$ puppet-lint --only-checks class_equals_alignment --fix .

# It's best to combine the above checks with `strict_indent` to fix all remaining issues
$ puppet-lint --only-checks strict_indent --fix .

Parameters to classes or defined types must be uniformly indented in two spaces from the title. The equals sign should be aligned.


class name (
  $var1    = 'default',
  $var2    = 'something else',
  $another = 'another default value',
) {

class name (
  Boolean                        $broadcastclient = false,
  Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $config_dir      = undef,
  Enum['running', 'stopped']     $service_ensure  = 'running',
  String                         $package_ensure  = 'present',
) {
