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This library borrows functionality from CanCan(Can) and adds it to Pundit.

  • can? and cannot? view helpers
  • load_resource, authorize_resource, load_and_authorize_resource and skip_authorization controller filters


Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'pundit_extra'

Add to your ApplicationController:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Pundit
  include PunditExtra

View Helpers: can? and cannot?

You can use the convenience methods can? and cannot? in any convreoller and view.

if can? :assign, @task is the same as Pundit's policy(@task).assign? if can? :index, Task is the same as Pundit's policy(Task).index? if cannot? :assign, @task is the opposite of can?

Autoload and Authorize Resource

You can add these to your controllers to automatically load the resource and/or authorize it.

class TasksController < ApplicationController
  before_action :authenticate_user!
  load_resource except: [:index, :create]
  authorize_resource except: [:create]

The load_resource filter will create the appropriate instance variable based onm the current action.

The authorize_resource filter will call Pundit's authorize @model in each action.

You can use except: :action, or only: :action to limit the filter to a given action or an array of actions.


class TasksController < ApplicationController
  before_action :authenticate_user!
  load_resource except: [:edit, :complete]
  authorize_resource except: :index

  def index
    # this happens automatically
    # @tasks = policy_scope(Task)

  def show
    # this happens automatically
    # @task = Task.find params[:id]
    # authorize @task

  def new
    # this happens automatically
    # @task = Task.new
    # authorize @task

  def create
    # this happens automatically
    # @task = Task.new task_params
    # authorize @task


In addition, you can use:

  • load_and_authorize_resource which is a combination shortcut for load_resource and authorize_resource
  • skip_authorization which sends skip_authorization and skip_policy_scope to Pundit for all (or the specified) actions.


Thanks for building awesome stuff.