
Minimal time tracking tool for cli

Build Status


  • ruby 2+


  $ gem install punched


Start Project

  $ punched start "Punchcard (programming)"


Save keystrokes by using wildcard. The first last active project, which matches the pattern (case insensitive) will be selected:

  $ punched start "Punch*"

Stop Project

  $ punched stop "Punch*"


Toggle between start and stop:

  $ punched toggle "Punch*"


  $ punched status "Punch*"

    Punchcard (programming)

List details

  $ punched details "Punch*"

    Punchcard (programming) (stopped)

    00:00:08    2017-05-07 08:16:06 - 2017-05-07 08:16:14
    00:04:35    2017-05-07 08:22:02 - 2017-05-07 08:26:37
    01:10:04    (total)

Set Hourly Rate

  $ punched set "Punch*" hourlyRate 250€

Total time in seconds

  $ punched total "Punch*"

Rename and delete Project

  $ punched rename "Old Title" "New Title"
  $ punched remove "Punchcard (programming)"


List all available actions:

  $ punched help
    Usage: punched csv|details|remove|rename|set|start|status|stop|toggle|total 'Name of my project'

List all projects with total time in CSV format

  $ punched all

    "project","status","last active on","total duration","hourly rate","earnings"
    "Website","stopped","2017-05-07 15:50:00","04:06:00","250.0 €","1025.00 €"
    "Punchcard (programming)","stopped","2017-07-11 12:47:42","01:10:04","",""

You can use all with any other action as well, e.g. punched all stop to stop all running projects.

Hint: Use your favorite output formatter to get a nicer project summary of your choice; e.g. with csv2md:

  $ punched all | csv2md --pretty

    | project                   | status  | last active on      | total duration | hourly rate | earnings |
    | Website                   | stopped | 2017-05-07 15:50:00 | 04:06:00       | 250.0 €     | 1025.0 € |
    | Punchcard (programming)   | stopped | 2017-05-07 12:47:42 | 01:10:04       |             |          |

Store projects files in a custom folder and sync them between computers

By default, PunchCard will store the data in ~/.punchcard/. Define your custom destination with:

  export PUNCHCARD_DIR=~/Nextcloud/punchcard


  $ bundle exec rspec