
The ptools (power tools) library is an additional set of commands for the
File class based on Unix command line tools.


On MS Windows you will need the win32-file gem.


gem install ptools


require "ptools"

File.which("ruby")         # '/usr/local/bin/ruby'
File.whereis("ruby")       # ['/usr/local/bin/ruby','/opt/bin/ruby']

File.head("myfile")        # Returns first 10 lines of 'myfile'
File.tail("myfile",3)      # Returns last 3 lines of 'myfile'
File.wc("myfile",'words')  # Returns the number of words in 'myfile'

File.touch("newfile")      # "newfile" now exists
File.null                  # '/dev/null' on Unix, 'NUL' on Windows
File.binary?('some_file')  # true or false
File.sparse?('some_file')  # true or false

# Creates a copy of 'myfile' called 'newfile', in DOS format
File.nl_convert("myfile", "newfile", "dos")

Known Bugs

The File.which and File.whereis methods may fail when using JRuby on Windows.
See for details.

Please report any other issues on the github project page.


The File.which method was originally adopted from the FileWhich code posted
by Michael Granger on the now defunct website. That code was
later replaced by a version based on the ruby-which library.

The File.nl_convert method is based on the nlcvt program found at, written by Tom Christiansen.

The binary?() method was based almost entirely on a blog post by Ryan
Davis (who, in turn, based his code on Perl's -B switch).

Thanks go to Matt Hoyle for help with the File.tail method.

And thanks to any and all contributors!

Future Plans

Add whatever other tools people think might be useful.


Artistic 2.0
(C) 2003-2020 Daniel J. Berger
All Rights Reserved.


This package is provided "as is" and without any express or
implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.


Daniel J. Berger