
Dependency free gem for scraping and crawling websites using the ProxyCrawl API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'proxycrawl'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install proxycrawl

Crawling API Usage

Require the gem in your project

require 'proxycrawl'

Initialize the API with one of your account tokens, either normal or javascript token. Then make get or post requests accordingly.

You can get a token for free by creating a ProxyCrawl account and 1000 free testing requests. You can use them for tcp calls or javascript calls or both.

api = 'YOUR_TOKEN')

GET requests

Pass the url that you want to scrape plus any options from the ones available in the API documentation.

api.get(url, options)


  response = api.get('')
  puts response.status_code
  puts response.original_status
  puts response.pc_status
  puts response.body
rescue => exception
  puts exception.backtrace

You can pass any options of what the ProxyCrawl API supports in exact param format.


options = {
  user_agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; rv:20.0) Gecko/20121202 Firefox/30.0',
  format: 'json'

response = api.get('', options)

puts response.status_code
puts response.body # read the API json response

POST requests

Pass the url that you want to scrape, the data that you want to send which can be either a json or a string, plus any options from the ones available in the API documentation., data, options);

Example:'', { text: 'example search' })

You can send the data as application/json instead of x-www-form-urlencoded by setting options post_content_type as json.

response ='', { some_json: 'with some value' }, { post_content_type: 'json' })

puts response.status_code
puts response.body

Javascript requests

If you need to scrape any website built with Javascript like React, Angular, Vue, etc. You just need to pass your javascript token and use the same calls. Note that only .get is available for javascript and not .post.

response = api.get('')
puts response.status_code
puts response.body

Same way you can pass javascript additional options.

response = api.get('', options: { page_wait: 5000 })
puts response.status_code

Original status

You can always get the original status and proxycrawl status from the response. Read the ProxyCrawl documentation to learn more about those status.

response = api.get('')

puts response.original_status
puts response.pc_status

Scraper API usage

Initialize the Scraper API using your normal token and call the get method.

scraper_api = 'YOUR_TOKEN')

Pass the url that you want to scrape plus any options from the ones available in the Scraper API documentation.

api.get(url, options)


  response = scraper_api.get('')
  puts response.remaining_requests
  puts response.status_code
  puts response.body
rescue => exception
  puts exception.backtrace

Leads API usage

Initialize with your Leads API token and call the get method.

For more details on the implementation, please visit the Leads API documentation.

leads_api = 'YOUR_TOKEN')

  response = leads_api.get('')
  puts response.success
  puts response.remaining_requests
  puts response.status_code
  puts response.body
rescue => exception
  puts exception.backtrace

If you have questions or need help using the library, please open an issue or contact us.

Screenshots API usage

Initialize with your Screenshots API token and call the get method.

screenshots_api = 'YOUR_TOKEN')

  response = screenshots_api.get('')
  puts response.success
  puts response.remaining_requests
  puts response.status_code
  puts response.screenshot_path # do something with screenshot_path here
rescue => exception
  puts exception.backtrace

or with using a block

screenshots_api = 'YOUR_TOKEN')

  response = screenshots_api.get('') do |file|
    # do something (reading/writing) with the image file here
  puts response.success
  puts response.remaining_requests
  puts response.status_code
rescue => exception
  puts exception.backtrace

or specifying a file path

screenshots_api = 'YOUR_TOKEN')

  response = screenshots_api.get('', save_to_path: '~/screenshot.jpg') do |file|
    # do something (reading/writing) with the image file here
  puts response.success
  puts response.remaining_requests
  puts response.status_code
rescue => exception
  puts exception.backtrace

Note that screenshots_api.get(url, options) method accepts an options

Storage API usage

Initialize the Storage API using your private token.

storage_api = 'YOUR_TOKEN')

Pass the url that you want to get from Proxycrawl Storage.

  response = storage_api.get('')
  puts response.original_status
  puts response.pc_status
  puts response.url
  puts response.status_code
  puts response.rid
  puts response.body
  puts response.stored_at
rescue => exception
  puts exception.backtrace

or you can use the RID

  response = storage_api.get(RID)
  puts response.original_status
  puts response.pc_status
  puts response.url
  puts response.status_code
  puts response.rid
  puts response.body
  puts response.stored_at
rescue => exception
  puts exception.backtrace

Note: One of the two RID or URL must be sent. So both are optional but it's mandatory to send one of the two.

Delete request

To delete a storage item from your storage area, use the correct RID

if storage_api.delete(RID)
  puts 'delete success'
  puts "Unable to delete: #{storage_api.body['error']}"

Bulk request

To do a bulk request with a list of RIDs, please send the list of rids as an array

  response = storage_api.bulk([RID1, RID2, RID3, ...])
  puts response.original_status
  puts response.pc_status
  puts response.url
  puts response.status_code
  puts response.rid
  puts response.body
  puts response.stored_at
rescue => exception
  puts exception.backtrace

RIDs request

To request a bulk list of RIDs from your storage area

  response = storage_api.rids
  puts response.status_code
  puts response.rid
  puts response.body
rescue => exception
  puts exception.backtrace

You can also specify a limit as a parameter


Total Count

To get the total number of documents in your storage area

total_count = storage_api.total_count
puts "total_count: #{total_count}"

If you have questions or need help using the library, please open an issue or contact us.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Proxycrawl project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.

Copyright 2021 ProxyCrawl