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proxy_rb makes it easier for you to test your proxy infrastructre.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'proxy_rb'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install proxy_rb


Please have a look at the "features/getting_started"-directory for more information about that topic. You may need to adjust the specs/features according to your setup. And please, also read Caveats as there some limitations - e.g. no support for NTML and Kerberos.

Getting started with "proxy_rb" and "rspec"

The following steps are only a suggestion. If you normally use a different workflow, this is ok. Just make sure, that the proxy_rb/rspec-file is required by spec/spec_helper.rb directly or indirectly.

Initialize RSpec

bundle exec rspec --init

Modify "spec/spec_helper.rb"

Add the following lines.

# Loading support files
Dir.glob(::File.expand_path('../support/*.rb', __FILE__)).each { |f| require_relative f }
Dir.glob(::File.expand_path('../support/**/*.rb', __FILE__)).each { |f| require_relative f }

Load library

Create a file named spec/support/proxy_rb.rb.

require 'proxy_rb/rspec'

Create first Tests

Create a file named spec/test_spec.rb.

require 'spec_helper'

RSpec.describe 'My Proxy' do
  describe 'Production' do
    subject { 'http://localhost:8080' }

    before :each do
      visit ''

    it { expect(request).to be_successful }

Run command

Then run rspec.

Getting started with "proxy_rb" and "cucumber"

The following steps are only a suggestion. If you normally use a different workflow, this is ok. Just make sure, that the proxy_rb/cucumber-file is required by cucumber directly or indirectly.

Initialize cucumber

bundle exec cucumber --init

Load library

Create a file named features/support/proxy_rb.rb.

require 'proxy_rb/cucumber'

Create first Tests

Create a file named features/result.feature.

Those steps given by proxy_rb are considered to be used as low level steps which are called from more appropriate high level steps describing uses cases. Using them directly is more like unit testing. Please see features/steps/best_practises.feature for some more examples.

Feature: Test the result code of a request
  Scenario: Request is allowed
    Given I use the following proxies:
      | proxy                  |
      | http://localhost:8080  |
    Then the following requests are allowed to pass the proxy:
      | url                    |
      | |

Run command

Then run cucumber.

Getting on with "proxy_rb"

Please have a look at our "feature"-files found here.


Maybe your proxy servers require authentication and you would like to test this as well. You've got several possibilies to use proxy passwords with proxy_rb. Please have a look at "features/proxy/authentication" and "features/api/password" for detailed information.


You can choose between three drivers to sent your requests: "Selenium", "Poltergeist" and "Webkit". Please have a look at "features/drivers" for detailed information.



Go to the download site of the "Vault Project" and download the latest vault binary. Make sure you place it into a path which is part of the "PATH"-environment variable - even on Windows.

Example for a Linux Distribution

curl -o /tmp/
unzip -d /tmp/ /tmp/
install -D /tmp/vault -m 0755 ~/bin/vault

Maybe you want to add the path ~/bin to PATH via .bashrc or .zshrc.

export PATH=~/bin:$PATH


After checking out the repo, run bin/bootstrap to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake gem:install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake gem:release to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


  • Authentication against a proxy using BASIC-scheme works fine for Poltergeist and Webkit-drivers. It fails for Selenium as you cannot pass username and password to the browser
  • Authentication agains a proxy using NEGOTIATE (Kerberos) and NTLM-scheme fails for Poltergeist and Webkit-drivers due to problems with Qt which is used by both projects