
Please see protected_record for more detailed usage instructions.

Quick Setup for rails applications

This engine was created to provide the necessary migrations as well as a (very) basic interface for triaging ProtectedRecord::ChangeRequest::Record objects. You are free to use this gem without the engine, but you'll need to grab these and this to get up and running.

Routes and migrations

Add to your Rails application's Gemfile:

gem "protected_record_manager"

And to your Rails application's routes.rb:

mount ProtectedRecordManager::Engine,
  at: "/protected_record_manager", # or whatever
  as: "protected_record_manager"   # or what not

Which will provide a user interface for triaging change requests at:


Important: Only users with @user.protected_record_manager == true will be able to access the aforementioned resources.

Now copy over and run the migrations:

$ rake protected_record_manager:install:migrations
$ rake db:migrate


Please do. There's plenty that could be done to round out both the interface and the the feature set.

Issues and pull requests would be most appreciated.