
Provision servers with Bash :trollface:


Propro is pre-release software, it works for me but it might not work for you.

Propro was developed against Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS 32bit and 64bit. It's been tested on Vagrant with VMware Fusion and Virtual Box, and on Linode. It could (and might) work with other distributions and providers, but right now it only supports my personal use-cases.

Creating A .propro Script

gem install propro
propro init -t vagrant

This will create a file in the current directory called provision.propro this file looks a lot like:

source :vagrant

# lib/system
set :system_shmall_percent, 0.75
set :system_shmmax_percent, 0.5
set :system_locale, "en_US.UTF-8"
set :system_timezone, "Etc/UTC"

# lib/pg
set :pg_version, 9.3
set :pg_extensions, [
] # see:

# lib/nginx
set :nginx_version, "1.4.4"
set :nginx_configure_opts, [
set :nginx_client_max_body_size, "5m"
set :nginx_worker_connections, 2000

# lib/node
set :node_version, "0.10.25"

# lib/redis
set :redis_version, "2.8.4"
set :redis_force_64bit, false # Force 64bit build even if available memory is lte 4GiB

# vagrant/system
provision "vagrant/system"

# vagrant/pg
provision "vagrant/pg"

# vagrant/redis
provision "vagrant/redis"

# vagrant/rvm
set :vagrant_rvm_ruby_version, "2.0.0"
provision "vagrant/rvm"

# vagrant/node
provision "vagrant/node"

# vagrant/nginx
provision "vagrant/nginx"

# lib/extras
set :extra_packages, []
provision "extras"

This generated file contains all of the available provisioners with their default options listed above them. The provision directives tell Propro that you want to run the provisioner for that given module. Seems overly complicated? It probably is, and my next goal for Propro is to massively simplify it's organization and the .propro syntax.

Building a .propro script

Once your .propro is the way you want, you can tell Propro to build it into a Bash script:

$ propro build provision.propro

This will output the shell script to standard output, if you'd like you can specify a filename to output to with the -o option.

$ propro build -o myapp/lib/ provision.propro

Now you can tell Vagrant to use this file with the :shell provisioner type.

Deploying a provisioning script

If you're building a VPS, not just a development VM, you might find the deploy task handy. Assume is the public IP of a freshly built Linode, use it like this:

$ propro deploy -s web_server.propro

Propro will ask you for the root password, and then build and run the provisioning script remotely while showing you output. Part of the built in VPS provisioner is to disable root login access.


  • Check out the examples directory for examples of .propro scripts
  • Check out the ext/bash directory to see the actual Bash scripts that are used for provisioning.


  • Existing tools that made me so crazy I ended up doing this.
  • My coworkers and friends @elucid @ghedamat @drteeth @minusfive for reviewing, fiddling with, and using Propro during it's initial development.