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Fully featured plist library. Can load and dump XML/ASCII/Binary/SMIME propertylist and offer fine-grained formatting options. Cross platform, clean code, performance tuned, no dependency.


Requires Ruby 2.0+

gem ins property-list


Load a plist file

PropertyList.load_xml "some_plist.xml"
PropertyList.load_binary File.binread "some_binary.plist"
PropertyList.load_ascii "some_ascii.strings"
PropertyList.load File.binread "unknown_format.plist"

Generate a plist file data

PropertyList.dump_xml obj
PropertyList.dump_binary obj
PropertyList.dump_ascii obj

XML formatting options for PropertyList.dump_xml object, options

  • segment: whether output an XML segment (not wrapped with <?xml>, <DOCTYPE>, <plist> tags), default is false.
  • xml_version: you can also specify "1.1" for, default is "1.0", no effect if :segment is set to true.
  • gnu_dtd: use GNUStep DTD instead (which is a bit different in string escaping), default is false.
  • indent_unit: the indent unit, default value is "\t", set to or '' if you don't need indent.
  • initial_indent: initial indent space, default is '', the indentation per line equals to initial_indent + indent * current_indent_level.
  • base64_width: the width of characters per line when serializing data with Base64, default value is 68, must be multiple of 4.
  • base64_indent: whether indent the Base64 encoded data, you can use false for compatibility to generate same output for other frameworks, default value is true.

ASCII formatting options for PropertyList.dump_ascii object, options

  • indent_unit: the indent unit, default value is "\t", set to '' if you don't need indent.
  • initial_indent: initial indent space, default is '', the indentation per line equals to initial_indent + indent * current_indent_level.
  • wrap: wrap the top level output with {...} when obj is a Hash, default is true.
  • encoding_comment: add encoding comment // !$*UTF8*$! on top of file, default is false.
  • sort_keys: sort dict keys, default is true.
  • gnu_extension: whether allow GNUStep extensions for ASCII plist to support serializing more types, default is true.

Also a helper method to help getting plist from SMIME envelope:

data = File.binread 'foo.mobileprovision'
plist = PropertyList.load PropertyList.data_from_smime data

Data type mapping

When loading, plist data types will be mapped to native Ruby types:

Plist type     Ruby type
real           Float
string         String
unicode_string String
integer        Integer
data           StringIO
date           DateTime
true           TrueClass
false          FalseClass
uid            PropertyList::Uid [*1]
array          Array
dict           Hash

# binary plist v1x elements:

null           NilClass
set            Set
ordset         PropertyList::OrdSet
uuid           PropertyList::Uuid
url_base       PropertyList::Url [*2]
url_no_base    PropertyList::Url


  • [*1] uid is only available in binary plist, PropertyList::Uid#uid is the integer index.
  • [*2] url_base means URL with base.

When dumping, native Ruby types will be mapped to plist data types:

Ruby type             Plist type
Float                 real
String                string, unicode_string
Symbol                string, unicode_string
Integer               integer
StringIO              data
IO                    data
Time                  date
DateTime              date
Date                  date
true                  true
false                 false
PropertyList::Uid     uid
Dict                  dict
Array                 array
Set                   set

# binary plist v1x elements:

NilClass              null
Set                   set
PropertyList::OrdSet  ordset
PropertyList::Uuid    uuid
PropertyList::Url     url_base, url_no_base


  • PropertyList::Uid and Set can only be serialized in binary plist.

Type mappings in ASCII plist depends on the DTD.


The binary generating code is modified from with bug fixes and performance tuning.

Alternative plist libraries for Ruby

  • plist: only deals with XML plist, and generates wrong plist when there is handle line endings in strings.
  • CFPropertyList: also deals with XML/Binary/ASCII plist files, but not v1x binary plist, more hard-to-use API and more thourough tests.