Pronto runner for cpplint

Pronto runner for cpplint, command-line tool to check C/C++ files for style issues following Google's C++ style guide. What is Pronto?


  • gem install pronto-cpplint
  • pronto run
  • PRONTO_CPPLINT_OPTS="--linelength=128" pronto run for passing CLI options to cpplint

Contribution Guidelines


git clone this repo and cd pronto-cpplint


rbenv install 3.1.0 # or newer
rbenv global 3.1.0 # or make it project specific
gem install bundle
bundle install

Make your changes

git checkout -b <new_feature>
# make your changes
bundle exec rspec
gem build pronto-cpplint.gemspec
gem install pronto-cpplint-<current_version>.gem
pronto run --unstaged


0.1.0 Initial public version.