
What is this?

Prompt makes it easy to build slick command-line applications with Tab Completion, Command History, and Built-in Help


gem install prompt

An example

Commands are defined with a Sinatra-inspired DSL:

require 'prompt'
extend Prompt::DSL

desc "Move"

variable :direction, "A cardinal direction", %w(north east south west)

command "go :direction", "Walk in the specified direction" do |direction|
  puts "You walked #{direction} and were eaten by a grue."

desc "Interact"

command "look", "Look around" do
  puts "You're in a dark room."

command "say :something", "Say something" do |something|
  puts "You say '#{something}'"


Tab completion

Tab completion is hooked up automatically after you define your commands and variables

$ my_app
> g<TAB>
> go <TAB>
go east   go north  go south  go west
> go n<TAB>
> go north

Command history

Command history is enabled automatically. You can scroll through the history with the UP and DOWN keys. You can search the history with CTRL-R.

You can preserve the history between runs by specifying a history filename when starting the console

history_file = File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".my-history")
Prompt::Console.start history_file

Built-in help

The help command is built-in. It will print all of the commands that you've defined in your app.

$ my_app
> help
Console commands

  help -v


  go <direction>                           Walk in the specified direction


  look                                     Look around
  say <something>                          Say something

Grouping commands

You can put commands in logical groups. This only affects how help is printed.

desc "Taco commands"

command ...
command ...

desc "Burger commands"

command ...

Using Variables

Variables can be used in a command.

command "name :first :last" do |first, last|
  puts "Hi #{first} #{last}"

Here, the variables are named first and last. Their values are be passed as arguments to the command's block, in the order in which they appear.

Defining variables

It's not necessary to define a variable before using it in a command, but doing so will allow you to provide a useful description and valid values for the variable.

variable :name, "Description"

Specifying a static list of valid values

You can specify a static list of valid values for a variable. These will be expanded when using tab completion.

variable :name, "Description", %w(value1 value2)

Specifying a dynamic list of valid values

Instead of specifying a static list, you can specify a block that will dynamically return a list of valid values for a variable. These will be expanded when using tab completion.

dynamic_variable :file, "JPG file" do
  Dir.glob "*.jpg"

Configuration options

The default prompt "> " can be changed before starting the console.

Prompt::Console.prompt = "#{Dir.pwd}> "