Module: Files

Defined in:


A section of the configuration file that contains file paths

Constant Summary collapse

Spec =

The standard name of the deployment descriptor for all apps

Log =

The log file for promotion

Profile =

system path to the shared profile

Sudoers =

system path to the sudoers file

Rc_conf =

system path to rc.conf.local

Newsyslog =

system path to newsyslog.conf

Useradd =

path to useradd executable

Usermod =

path to usermod executable

Groupadd =

path to groupadd executable

Groupmod =

path to groupmod executable

Visudo =

path to visudo executable

Crontab =

path to crontab executable

Zip =

path to zip executable

"/usr/local/bin/zip -q "
Svn =

path to subversion (svn) executable

"/usr/local/bin/svn "