
This is a Ruby binding for the Proj.4 Carthographic Projection library (, that supports conversions between a very large number of geographic coordinate systems and datums.

Most functions of the C library are implemented in the Ruby binding. Where there is a direct equivalent between C and Ruby, identifiers (like names of functions and constants) are the same. But the usage has been changed to take advantage of Rubys object-oriented features.


The library can be loaded this way:

require 'proj4'

The classes are in the Proj4 module:

include Proj4

First you have to create a projection like this:

proj = :proj => "utm", :zone => "21", :units => "m" )

(There are several alternative ways of specifying the arguments, see the documentation for for details.)

This defines a UTM21 North projection in WGS84. Note that the proj / proj.exe initialization arguments equivalent to the one above would be:

+proj=utm +zone=21 +units=m

To use the projection, you have 2 operations: forward and inverse. forward transforms the point in WGS84 lon/lat (in radians) to the coordinate system defined during the creation of the Projection object. inverse does the opposite. For example:

projected_point = proj.forward(lonlat_point)
lonlat_point = proj.inverse(projected_point)

There is also a transform function which can transform between any two projections including datum conversions:

point_in_projB = projA.transform(projB, point_in_projA)

The forward, inverse, and transform methods all have an in-place equivalent: forward!, inverse!, and transform! which projects the given point in place. There are also forwardDeg and inverseDeg methods which work with longitudes and latitudes in degrees rather than radians.

For the points you can use an object of the Proj4::Point class. It has properties: x, y, and z, which can be set and retrieved. Aliases lon and lat for x and y, respectively, are available. (For backwards compatibility there is also an UV class, but this will go away in future versions.) Instead of the Proj4::Point object you can use any other objects which responds to the methods x and y (and z for 3D datum transformations with the transform method).

The methods forward_all, inverse_all, and transform_all (and their in-place versions forward_all!, inverse_all!, and transform_all! work just like their simple counterparts, but instead of a single point they convert a collection of points in one go. They take an array as an argument or any object responding to the each method (for the in-place versions) or each, clear, and << methods (for the normal version).

You are also given 2 constants to convert between degrees and radians: DEG_TO_RAD and RAD_TO_DEG

Error handling

The projection initialization ( and all projection functions (Proj4::Projection#forward/inverse/transform) in their different versions throw an exception when there is a problem. There is a catch-all exception Proj4::Error and many subclasses of it for all the different errors that the Proj.4 C library can return. See Proj4::Error for more information or use the list-errors.rb program from the examples for a list.

Definition lists

Proj.4 knows about many different datums, ellipsoids, prime meridians, projection types and length units. The Proj4::Datum, Proj4::Ellipsoid, Proj4::PrimeMeridian, Proj4::ProjectionType, and Proj4::Unit classes can be used to access those lists and get details about each definition. See the list-* files in the example directory for some code examples.

Note that these lists are only available since the version 449 of the Proj.4 C library.


Just install the gem with

gem install proj4rb



To compile the proj4rb Ruby bindings from source you’ll need the Proj.4 C library installed. Enter the src directory and create a Makefile:

cd src
ruby extconf.rb

If there are any problems consult the mkmf.log log file. Then compile with


The result is the file which you need to copy into the lib directory:

cp ../lib/

If you want to, you can now create a gem with

rake gem

This will create a file proj4rb-version-i486-linux.gem or similar in the pkg directory.

Mac OS X

To compile the proj4rb Ruby bindings from source you’ll need the Proj.4 C library installed. Enter the src directory and create a Makefile:

cd src
ruby extconf.rb

If there are any problems consult the mkmf.log log file. Then compile with


The result is the file projrb.bundle which you need to copy into the lib directory:

cp projrb.bundle ../lib/

If you want to, you can now create a gem with

rake gem

This will create a file proj4rb-version-universal-darwin8.0.gem or similar in the pkg directory.


The result is the file proj.dll which you need to copy into the lib directory:

cp proj.dll ../lib/


  • Completely cross-platform build system (mkrf?)

Changes since the last version

  • Added most functions supported by C library and many tests.

  • Added support for Linux builds.

  • Improved error handling. On error the methods throw exceptions now.


Proj4rb is released under the MIT license.


Any questions, enhancement proposals, bug notifications or corrections can be sent to [email protected] or [email protected].


The proj4rb Ruby bindings were created by Guilhelm Vellut with many additions by Jochen Topf.