Welcome to Printr

Printr is an interface to serial/usb/plain_file printers on *nix systems. You can use it with your udev rules etc. It is built as a rails engine, and should be used as a gem.

You can pull the latest edition from this repo, or:

#Gemfile gem ‘printr’

Then run bundle install

The rails g printr:install

and rails g printr:views

If you pass in a :scope, it will set that to the view directory. Normally it is: app/views/printr/view.prnt.erb, if you don’t want it to be that, you can set the :scope rails g printr:views printer_views would install the views to app/views/printer_views/#view.prnt.erb

The default source for printer configurations is :yaml, and expects a printrs.yml file to be present in RAILS_ROOT/config/, you can also feed it off of an ActiveRecord, in initializers/printr.rb

config.printr_source = {:active_record => {

:class_name => YourActiveRecordClass, 
:name => :attribute_name, 
:path => :attribute_name }


If you set the scope, make sure to add:

config.scope = ‘the_scope_you_passed’


:name must be an attribute of the active record object, and the value it resolves to must be 
 a snake_case_name
:path must be the full path to the printer, like /dev/som0 or /home/user/printer.txt

Basic Usage:

@printer = Printr.new @printer.the_name_of_some_printer “text”

Advanced Usage

Create a printr folder in your views directory for your rails app. name the view #some_name.prnt.erb

So for instance, say you want an item view:


Then somewhere in your app, call:

@printer = Printr.new @printer.the_name_of_some_printer “item”,binding