Gem Version


This is an unofficial Ruby client for the Primotexto API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'primotexto'

Or from Github to install the 'edge' version:

gem 'primotexto', github: 'syntaxTerr0r/primotexto'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install primotexto


All API methods are not implemented yet. Here is an exhaustive list of what is currently supported. Methods naming try to follow the API naming, however some changes has been made to make some name more friendly.

Initializing a new client

pt = Primotexto.client(key: 'MY_SHINY_API_KEY')

Alternatively, you can define the key in an ENV variable: PRIMOTEXTO_API_KEY

pt = Primotexto.client

Sending SMS notification message

API reference

message = pt.post_notification_message(number: '+33612345678', sender: 'Spiderman', message: 'Your new code is "W0WE".', category: 'codeConfirmation')

Sending SMS marketing message

API reference

message = pt.post_marketing_message(number: '+33612345678', sender: 'Carwash', message: 'Get 30% off with this coupon: "W4SH" until tomorrow.')

See more about E.164 phone formatting.

Getting a message's status

API reference

By phone number

pt.get_messages_status(identifier: '+33612345678')

Or by snapshotId

pt.get_messages_status(snapshotId: message[:snapshotId])

Getting messages' stats

API reference

pt.get_messages_stats(category: 'codeConfirmation')

Getting a messages' replies

API reference

pt.get_messages_replies(category: 'codeConfirmation')

Getting messages' blacklists (Bounces + Unsubscribers)

API reference

pt.get_messages_blacklists(category: 'codeConfirmation')


API reference

Getting unsubscribers list


Adding a phone number to unsubscribers list

pt.post_unsubscribers_contacts(identifier: '+33612345678')

Removing a phone number from unsubscribers list

API reference

pt.delete_unsubscribers_contacts(identifier: '+33612345678')


API reference

Getting bounces list


Adding a phone number to bounces list

pt.post_bounces_contacts(identifier: '+33612345678')

Removing a phone number from bounces list

API reference

pt.delete_bounces_contacts(identifier: '+33612345678')

Contacts lists

API reference

Creating a list

vip_list = pt.post_lists(name: 'VIP People')

Adding a contact to a list

vip_contact = pt.post_list_contact(list_id: vip_list[:id], identifier: '+33612345678')

Removing a contact from a list

pt.delete_list_contact(list_id: vip_list[:id], contact_id: vip_contact[:id], identifier: '+33612345678')

Getting you account stats

API reference



This gem has no specs yet.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.