PrimeTable v1.1.0

Prints a multiplication table of N primes to STDOUT

Displays the products of N primes in a table format. Optionally uses generated primes or precalculated.


gem install primetable


Usage: primetable [options]

Specific options:
    -f F                             First prime (default is 2, limit is 2000003 w/ -m load|fast, 9007199254740727 w/ -m calc)
    -n N                             Number of primes for which you wish to generate a table
    -m, --method METHOD              Select method of generating primes (fast|load|calc)** (default is 'calc')
    -t, --time                       Display run time

Common options:
    -h, --help                       Show this message
    -v, --version                    Show version

** NOTE: The (so-called) 'fast' and 'load' prime methods are DEPRECATED. Use the default or -m 'calc'.


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