# Presume

A resume parser coupled with fundamental Applicant Tracking System Technology

### Description

Presume is the first open-source Applicant Tracking System technology for Ruby-on-Rails developers. It works by parsing the resume into the CVSTOM.org resume format Section >> Header >> Bullets, and then taking an input of skills and their expected duration to check for in that resume.

### Features

Parse resumes Checks resumes for specific skills, positions, and their duration

### Resume Parser:

require 'presume'

# Sample input
resume_text = "Leigh Silverstein\n123 Ave.\n\nWork Experience\nProject Coordinator"

# Parse resume with string input
presume = Presume.new(resume_text)

# Retrieve Sections

#=> {0 => SectionObject1, 1 => SectionObject2}

# SectionObject Functions


#=> "Work Experience"


#=> [ HeaderObject1, HeaderObject2 ]

# HeaderObject Functions


#=> "Project Coordinator, Projects4Ever Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Jan 2011-Jul 2012


#=> 1.5 (In Years)


#=> Jan 2011


#=> Jul 2012


#=> [ BulletObject1, BulletObject2 ]

# BulletObject inherits all functions from the HeaderObject except children

### ATS:

# After parsing a resume

# Checking for certain position or education ("name", expected_minimum_duration_in_years)
intake_hash = {"Project Coordinator|Project Assistant" => 1, "Bachelors Finance|BF|B.F." => 4}

# Check for positions

#=> {"Project Coordinator|Project Assistant" => [ MatchedHeaderObject1 ], "Bachelors Finance|BF|B.F." => [ MatchedHeaderObject2 ]}

# Checking for certain skills ("name", expected_minimum_duration_in_years)
intake_hash = {"database management" => 1, "clear communication" => 0}

# Check for positions

#=> {"database management" => [ MatchedBulletObject1 ], "clear communication" => [ MatchedBulletObject2 ]}

#Note that matched headers and bullets are the same classes as the headers and bullets discussed in the resume parsing section

### Requirements

  • EngTagger

  • Ruby-Stemmer

  • Docx (for testing)

### Install

(sudo) gem install presume

### Author

of this Ruby library

  • Leigh Silverstein (lsilversteinto [at] gmail.com)

### License

This library is distributed under the GPL. Please see the LICENSE file.