Presto client library for Ruby

Presto is a distributed SQL query engine for big data:

This is a client library for Ruby to run queries on Presto.


require 'presto-client'

# create a client object:
client =
  server: "localhost:8880",
  catalog: "native",
  schema: "default",
  user: "frsyuki",
  http_debug: true,

# run a query and get results:
columns, rows ="select * from sys.node")
rows.each {|row|
  p row

# another way to run a query and fetch results streamingly:
# start running a query on presto
client.query("select * from sys.node") do |q|
  # wait for completion and get columns
  q.columns.each {|column|
    puts "column: #{}.#{column.type}"

  # get query results
  q.each_row {|row|
    p row


  • server sets address[:port] to a Presto coordinator
  • catalog sets catalog (connector) name of Presto such as hive-cdh4, hive-hadoop1, etc.
  • schema sets default schema name of Presto. You can read other schemas by qualified name like FROM myschema.table1
  • source sets source name to connect to a Presto. This name is shown on Presto web interface.
  • user sets user name to connect to a Presto.
  • http_debug enables debug message to STDOUT for each HTTP requests
  • http_open_timeout sets timeout in seconds to open new HTTP connection
  • http_timeout sets timeout in seconds to read data from a server