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Preserve is a Rails plugin which stores selected parameters in the session to make them available in subsequent requests.


Add the following line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'preserve'

Install the gem with Bundler:

$ bundle install

Or do it manually by running:

$ gem install preserve


For the sole purpose of this example, let's assume we have a Rails application with a controller showing all parameters sent in a request.

class ParametersController < ApplicationController
  def index
    render json: request_parameters


  def request_parameters
    params.except(:controller, :action)

Routes are declared as following:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :parameters, only: :index

Let's start the application and test its behaviour using cURL. The whole concept is based on the session, so in order for this to work, the cookie engine must be enabled (hence the -c and -b options).

In the first request, the per_page parameter is set to 20.

$ curl -c cookies http://localhost:3000/parameters?per_page=20

As expected, the application returns the parameter and its value.

The next request is sent without any parameters.

$ curl -b cookies http://localhost:3000/parameters

Obviously, the per_page parameter is no longer available.

Now, let's call the preserve macro inside the ParametersController class with the parameter name as an argument.

class ParametersController < ApplicationController
  preserve :per_page

  # ...

Sending the same two requests again gives a different result.

$ curl -c cookies http://localhost:3000/parameters?per_page=20
$ curl -b cookies http://localhost:3000/parameters

This time, the per_page parameter is still available when the second request is made, even though it wasn't sent particularly in that request.

Multiple arguments

If more than one parameter needs to be preserved within the same controller, its name can be passed as a succeeding argument to the preserve method.

preserve :page, :per_page

Action restrictions

Limiting functionality provided by the gem to a certain set of controller actions can be achieved by applying the only (or except) option.

preserve :per_page, only: :index

It behaves exactly like the only option of an Action Controller filter. In fact, the gem sets such filter underneath, so you can make use of all its options – they will be passed to that filter.

Application-wide parameters

When there's a need to store a parameter used across the whole application, the preserve macro should be called inside the ApplicationController.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  preserve :locale

In more complex scenarios, controller inheritance can be utilized to further adjust the scope.

Blank parameter values

Normally, when a parameter value is an empty string, it is overwritten by a value stored in the session. To change this behavior, you can use the allow_blank option.

  preserve :status, allow_blank: true

As a result, the parameter value would be restored from the session only when the parameter was not sent in a request.

Setting a session key prefix

By default, parameter values are stored in the session with a key that consists of a controller name and parameter name (e.g. users_order for the order parameter in the UsersController).

In most cases such combination results in a unique session key, but there might be a situation when it's necessary to add a prefix in order to avoid conflicts with a session key that is already in use. It can be done by passing the prefix option.

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  preserve :order, prefix: 'preserved'

From now on, the parameter will be stored in the session with the preserved_users_order key.