Code Climate

Prawn Charts

Prawn Charts is a Prawn graphing library to create linear or log line charts in Prawn with no dependencies other than Prawn.


Clone the respository and run the following script to generate a PDF file with a log graph on your Desktop:

$ ruby lib/examples/log_example.rb

This script will generate a PDF file of a log graph that is only 6KB.

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Prawn Charts can also be used to generate linear graphs. This graph does not leverage built in features (i.e. graph title, y label, x label) and demonstrates that Prawn Charts is easily customizable.

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Code Organization

The DataCollectors (located in lib/data_collectors) are responsible for manipulating input data in a format suitable for the PrawnChartRenderer. The PrawnChartRenderer module should be mixed in to Prawn::Document, so the renderer methods can be called directly on the Prawn::Document object.

This example code shows how to use the PdfDataCollector to get formatted data that can be passed to the draw_chart() and draw_dots() methods:

Prawn::Document.extensions << PrawnChartRenderer

pdf =
pdf.bounding_box([50, pdf.cursor], :width => graph_width_pdf, :height => graph_height_pdf) do

  pdf_data =, input_data, graph_width_pdf, graph_height_pdf, y_labels).collect
  pdf.draw_dots(pdf_data, dot_radius)

There are separate methods to draw_chart(), draw_dots(), draw_labels(), draw_horizontal_lines(), and draw titles, so the charts can be customized.