Postwave Ruby Client 🌊

A Ruby client for displaying Postwave blogs.


gem install postwave-client


Create a Postwave Client

postwave_client ="path/to/config/postwave.yaml")

If you'd like to preload all the posts:

postwave_client ="path/to/config/postwave.yaml", preload: true)

Get a Single Post

Pass in the stub (the filename without '.md') for the post.

post ="my-great-post")

# <Postwave::Post title="My Great Post", date=<Time ...>, tags=["tag1"], body="bla bla bla..">

puts post.title
# "My Great Post"

Get a Collection of Posts

This will give you a list of posts for displaying on a page.

You can also filter by tags and specify offsets and limits (useful for pagination).

posts = postwave_client.posts

# [<Postwave::Post ...>, <Postwave::Post ...>, ...]

tagged_posts = postwave_client.posts(tag: "lizards")

page2_posts = postwave_client.posts(offset: 10, limit: 10)

Posts will be in reverse chronological order.

Get an Index of Posts

This will give you a quick list of post summaries containing the title, date, and stub, useful for building an archive page or quick index of posts.

You can also specify offsets and limits (useful for pagination).

index = postwave_client(index)

# [<Postwave::PostStub title="My Great Post", date=<Time ...>, stub="my-great-post">, <Postwave::PostStub ...>, ...]

puts index.first.stub
# my-great-post

page2_index = postwave_client.index(offset: 10, limit: 10)

Index will be in reverse chronological order.

Get Tags Used In the Blog

tags = postwave_client.tags

# ["tag1", "tag2", "another-tag"]

Get Details For A Tag

tag = postwave_clinet.tag("tag1")

# <Postwave::Tag tile="tag1", count=1, post_slugs=["my-great-post"]>

Want To Know More About Postwave?

Check out the Postwave repo.


Run the Tests!

rake test