Postcode Anywhere

Codeship Status for simplemerchant/postcode_anywhere

This is the Ruby gem for interacting with the Postcode Anywhere API API


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'postcode-anywhere'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install postcode-anywhere


This Gem consists of a numer of available clients for each key service available from Postcode Anywhere


Each client is configured upon instantiation:

client =
  # Mandatory
  api_key:  'YOUR_API_KEY',

  # Optional: If not set, defaults to: 'Postcode Anywhere Ruby Gem/1.0.1'

CapturePlus Address Validation

Addresses can be searched upon by a number of different means. An array of results is always returned:

This searches everyhing:

  client =
    api_key:  'YOUR_API_KEY',

  results = client.query 'buckingham pal'
  # => 7
  # => "Buckingham Palace, London, SW1A..."

By postcode

This searches by postcode:

  client =
    api_key:  'YOUR_API_KEY',

  results = client.query_postcodes 'SW1A'
  # OR
  results = client.query 'SW1A', search_for: PostcodeAnywhere::CapturePlus::POSTCODE

  # => 10
  # => "SW1A 0AA"

By company

This searches by company:

  client =
    api_key:  'YOUR_API_KEY',

  results = client.query_companies 'Asda'
  # OR
  results = client.query 'Asda', search_for: PostcodeAnywhere::CapturePlus::COMPANY

  # => 7
  # => "Asda Stores Ltd, Ipswich, IP1..."

By place

This searches by place:

  client =
    api_key:  'YOUR_API_KEY',

  results = client.query_places 'Hyde park, london'
  # OR
  results = client.query 'Hyde park, london', search_for: PostcodeAnywhere::CapturePlus::PLACE

  # => 7
  # => "Hyde Park, London, W2..."

Sub query and refinement

Some search results have a 'next' value of 'Find'. These can be queried into by using a sub query:

  client =
    api_key:  'YOUR_API_KEY',

  results = client.query_places 'Hyde park, london'
  hyde_park_result = results.first
  # => "Find"

  hyde_park_sub_result = client.sub_query('park', hyde_park_result)

  # => => "Veranda Lodge, Metropolitan Police, The Royal Parks Operational Command Unit, The Old Police House, Hyde Park, London, W2..."
NOTE: Only search results which have the 'next' value of 'Find' will return a meaningful result. Results with a 'next' of 'Retrieve' should be retrieved (see below)


The full details of a search result can be retrieved as follows:

IMPORTANT: Only search results which have the 'next' value of 'Retrieve' will return a result. Search results with 'next' of 'Find' need to be refined with a sub_query. (See above)

A retrieved result has a full set of available fields to it which are listed in the postcode anywhere docs

  client =
    api_key:  'YOUR_API_KEY',

  results = client.query_places 'Hyde park, london'
  hyde_park_result = results.first
  hyde_park_sub_result = client.sub_query('park', hyde_park_result)

  hyde_park_police_result = hyde_park_sub_result.first

  hyde_park_police = client.retrieve(hyde_park_police_result)

  # => "The Royal Parks Operational Command Unit"

  # => => "W2 2UH"

Data Cleansing

An address can be cleansed by using the CleansePlus client, as follows:

  client =
    api_key:  'YOUR_API_KEY',

  addresses = client.address_candidates_for 'London, SW1A 1AA'
    # =>"Buckingham Palace"

The following fields are available on an address:

udprn, company, department, line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, post_town, county, postcode, mailsort, barcode, type, delivery_point_suffix, sub_building, building_name, building_number, primary_street, secondary_street, double_dependent_locality, dependent_locality, po_box

Payment Validation

Retrieve by sort code

A bank branch can be retrieved from a sort code:

  client =
    api_key:  'YOUR_API_KEY',

  branch = client.retrieve_by_sortcode '40-17-53'

  # => "GL53 7RA"
  # => "HSBC BANK PLC"
  # => true

The following fields are available on a bank branch:

bank, bank_bic, branch, branch_bic, contact_address_line1, contact_address_line2, contact_post_town, contact_postcode, contact_phone, contact_fax, faster_payments_supported, chaps_supported

Validate account

A bank account number and sort code can be validated:

  client =
    api_key:  'YOUR_API_KEY',

  validation = client.('12345678','11-22-33')

  # => true

The following fields are available for a validation:

is_correct, is_direct_debit_capable, status_information, corrected_sort_code, corrected_account_number, iban, bank, bank_bic, branch, branch_bic, contact_address_line1, contact_address_line2, contact_post_town, contact_postcode, contact_phone, contact_fax, faster_payments_supported, chaps_supported

Email Validation

Validate email

An email address can be validated:

  client =
    api_key:  'YOUR_API_KEY',

  validation = client.validate_email_address('[email protected]')

  # Options then are

  # => true
  # => true
  # => ''
  # => '[email protected]'


If there is something critically wrong with the service, then the gem will throw a relevant exception which may be one of:


However other errors, such as an invalid API key will throw an error where both a cause and resolution should be available as such:

rescue PostcodeAnywhere::Error => e
  puts e.cause # => 'The key you are using to access the service was not found.'
  puts e.resolution # => 'Please check that the key is correct. It should be in the form AA11-AA11-AA11-AA11.'

Some Postcode Anywhere errors include:

Error Cause Resolution
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::UnknownError The cause of the error is unknown but details have been passed to our support staff who will investigate. These problems are typically short lived and are often resolved by trying again in a few minutes.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::UnknownKey The key you are using to access the service was not found. Please check that the key is correct. It should be in the form AA11-AA11-AA11-AA11.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::AccountOutOfCredit Your account is either out of credit or has insufficient credit to service this request. Please check your account balance and top it up if necessary.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::IpDenied The request was disallowed from the IP address. Check the security settings on the key first. If they look fine, please contact support as it may be from an IP address on our blacklist.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::UrlDenied The request was disallowed from the URL. Check the security settings on the key first. If they look fine, please contact support as it may be from a URL on our blacklist.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::ServiceDeniedForKey The requested web service is disallowed on this key. Check the security settings on the key first. You can limit a key to certain web services.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::ServiceDeniedForPlan The requested web service is not currently available on your payment plan. Some services are only available in specific regions due to licensing restrictions. Please contact us for more information.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::KeyDailyLimitExceeded The daily limit on the key has been exceeded. Alter the daily limit on the key. Check the usage details first to see if usage is normal.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::SurgeProtectorRunning The surge protector is currently enabled and has temporarily suspended access to the account. You can disable the surge protector at any time, but this is only recommended if you are running through a batch of requests.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::SurgeProtectorTriggered An unusually large number of requests have been processed for your account so the surge protector has been enabled. You can disable the surge protector at any time but this is only recommended if you are running through a batch of requests.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::NoValidLicense The request requires a valid license but none were found. Please check your purchase history. You may be using a license that is no longer valid or of an incorrect type.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::ManagementKeyRequired To use this web service you require a management key. Management can be enabled on any key, but we advise you to use management keys with care. Sign in to the website and create a new management key or change an existing key.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::DemoLimitExceeded The daily demonstration limit for this service or account has been exceeded. The limit will be reset at midnight tonight. If you would like the limit increased, please contact us.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::FreeLimitExceeded You have used too many free web services. Our web services are designed to operate in stages. The first is usually a Find service followed by a Retrieve. If you use too many Finds without the corresponding number of Retrieves you will receive this error. For more information, please contact us.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::IncorrectKeyType The type of key you're using isn't supported by this web service. This usually happens if you're using a user or server license with a web service that only supports transactional keys. Please use another key and try again.
PostcodeAnywhere::Error::KeyExpired The key you are trying to use has expired. Please check that you are using the right key. A new one may have been issued if you recently renewed your key. Contact us if you have any questions.

Small disclaimer

The general architecture of this Gem is taken from that of the Twitter API Gem so credit to be directed that way. This structure has been used mainly because this structure generally works well for us at Simple Merchant and it's well tested.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request