Position Converter – a ruby gem for converting between various position units.

This package contains Position Converter, which converts latitudes and longitudes into various units.

Position Converter contains the following features:

  • Liberal position input format, handling white space and commas appropriately

  • Accepts input in any one of the four most common formats and convertes to the others; decimal degrees, NMEA, degrees/minutes/seconds and hundred thousandths of a millarc second.


Position Converter can be installed as a gem from RubyGems. If Gemcutter is not listed as one of your sources, do this ONCE. You can check with the –list option first.

gem sources --list
gem sources -a http://rubygems.org

Then, install.

sudo gem install poscvt

Sample Usage

require 'rubygems'
require 'poscvt'

  p = PosCvt.new('30.12893 , -102.39876')
  print "  Decimal Degrees: ", p.decimal_degrees, "\n"
  print "   1.0e-5 Arc Min: ", p.htarc_minute, "\n"
  print "NMEA (DDDMM.MMMM): ", p.nmea, "\n"
  print "        DDD.MM.SS: ", p.dms, "\n"
rescue PositionConversionException => e
  puts e.to_s

The output is:

  Decimal Degrees: 30.12893, -102.39876
   1.0e-5 Arc Min: 180773580, -614392560
NMEA (DDDMM.MMMM): 3007.7358,N,10223.9256,W
        DDD.MM.SS: 30.7.44,-102.23.56


Source Repository

Position Converter is currently hosted at github. The github web page is github.com/kookjr/PositionConverter. The public git clone URL is

  • git://github.com/kookjr/PositionConverter.git

Running the Test Suite

Unit tests can be run with the following command.

ruby -Ilib test/tc_poscvt.rb

Issues and Bug Reports

Report and follow issue status at the project’s GitHub site.



GNU General Public License version 3. For details, see file “COPYING”.