Polytrix - the Polyglot Testing Matrix

Polytrix is a polyglot test runner and documentation generator. It aims to let you run sample code written in any language. It's especially useful if you want to run similar code samples in multiple languages, a project that has been ported to several languages, or API clients for the same service that are provided in several languages.

Polytrix was influenced by a number of polyglot projects, including Travis-CI, Docco, Slate, and polyglot test-suites like the JSON Schema Test Suite and the JSON-LD Test Suite.

The user-experience was heavily influenced by test-kitchen. Polytrix aims to do for multi-language development of command-line applications what test-kitchen has done for multi-platform development of infrastructure.

Installing Polytrix

Polytrix is distributed as a Ruby Gem. It should be installed using Bundler by adding this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'polytrix', '~> 0.1'

And then running bundle install.

It can also be installed without Bundler by running gem install polytrix.

Getting Help

Polytrix is primarily intented to be run as a standalone utility, though it does have an API for integrating with RSpec or other Ruby-based test frameworks.

Note: You may need to prefix commands with bundle exec if you installed Polytrix using Bundler.

If you need a quick reminder of what the polytrix command gives you, then use the help subcommand:

$ bundle exec polytrix help
  polytrix bootstrap [(all|<REGEX>)] [opts] # Bootstraps the code samples for one or more tests
  polytrix code2doc [(all|<REGEX>)] [opts]  # Converts annotated code samples to Markdown or reStructuredText
  polytrix clean [(all|<REGEX>)] [opts]     # Removes test results for one or more tests
  polytrix clone [(all|<REGEX>)] [opts]     # Clones the code samples from git for one or more tests
  polytrix exec [(all|<REGEX>)] [opts]      # Executes code samples for one or more tests
  polytrix help [COMMAND]                   # Describe available commands or one specific command
  polytrix list [(all|<REGEX>)] [opts]      # List all tests
  polytrix test [all|<REGEX>)] [opts]       # Test one or more tests
  polytrix verify [(all|<REGEX>)] [opts]    # Verify the execution results of one or more tests
  polytrix version                          # Print Polytrix's version information

The polytrix.yml file

The Polytrix test suites and the implementors that should be tested are defined in a polytrix.yml file. A basic file looks like this:

      language: ruby
      bootstrap_cmd: bundle install
      exec_cmd: bundle exec ruby
        repo: https://github.com/polytrix/ruby_samples
      language: python
      bootstrap_script: scripts/pip_install
      exec_script: scripts/pip_install
        repo: https://github.com/polytrix/python_samples
      language: java
      # The default is to look for scripts/bootstrap and scripts/exec
      # or try to use the default bootstrap/exec behavior for the language
        repo: 'https://github.com/polytrix/java_samples'

          - validate:
              stdout: Hello, World!
          - validate:
              quine_validator: true
          - name: short text
            input: |
              I am a word count utility
              stdout: 6 words
          - name: small file
            input_file: fixtures/small_file.txt
              stdout: 10 words
          - name: large file
            input_file: fixtures/large_file.txt
              stdout: 1000 words

Defining Implementors

Polytrix tests scenarios across one or more implementors. The implementors may each be in a different language, but you can also have multiple implementors for the same langauge. The structure used to define implementors within polytrix.yml is described below.

Implementor Object

Field Name Type Description
name string The name of the implementor. (If omitted, this attribute’s value defaults to the key name associated with this object.)
directory string The location of the implementor project containing code samples.
language string The primary programming language of the code samples in this implementor.
git Git Object Defines how to clone the project via Git.
scripts Scripts Object Defines scripts to bootstrap, compile, and execute the samples.

Git Object

Field Name Type Description
repo string Required. The git repo to clone.
branch string The git branch to clone.
to string The local directory to clone into.

Scripts Object

Field Name Type Description
directory directory The directory that contains the script files. Default: scripts/.
bootstrap_script file The file to execute to bootstrap the samples. Default: bootstrap
compile_script file The file to execute to compile the samples. Default: compile
exec_script file The file to use as an execute wrapper script for running samples. Default: exec
bootstrap_cmd string An inline script to execute instead of executing bootstrap_file.
compile_cmd string An inline script to execute instead of executing bootstrap_file.
exec_cmd string An inline script to use as an execution wrapper, instead of searching for a exec script.

Example Implementor Definition

    directory: samples/ruby
    language: ruby
      repo: https://github.com/polytrix/ruby_samples
      branch: master
      to: samples/ruby
      bootstrap_cmd: bundle install
      exec_cmd: bundle exec ruby "$@"

Attaching Code Samples

Polytrix tests are divided into suites, code samples, and scenarios. Each tuple (suite, code sample, scenario) is a test.

The structure used to define tests is:

Suite Object

Field Name Type Description
name string The name of the suite. (If omitted, this attribute’s value defaults to hash key associated with this object.)
input string The content to send to the code sample as standard input.
input_file file Reads the specified file and sets input.
code_samples Hash of Code Samples Defines the code samples to test

Code Sample Object

The code sample object determines which scenario to runwhich determines which code sample will be run. It can also override the default values set in the Suite Object.

If the Scenario Object is a list, it will be automatically split into distinct but related scenarios. This is useful for testing the same code sample with a variety of different input values.

Field Name Type Description
name string The name of the suite. (If omitted, this attribute’s value defaults to hash key associated with this object.)
scenarios List of Scenario Objects Defines the scenarios to test for the code sample. Default: An scenario named default with no input.

Scenario Object

Field Name Type Description
name string Required. The scenario name.
input string The content to send to the code sample as standard input.
input_file file Reads the specified file and sets input.
language Hash of Scenario Objects Defines the scenarios within the suite

Example Suite Definition

            stdout: Hello, World!
            quine_validator: true
          - name: short text
            input: |
              I am a word count utility
              stdout: 6 words
          - name: small file
            input_file: fixtures/small_file.txt
              stdout: 10 words
          - name: large file
            input_file: fixtures/large_file.txt
              stdout: 1000 words



Custom Validators



Cloning implementors

Bootstrapping implementors

Executing scenarios

Verifying scenario results

Full test
