
A simple ruby wrapper for the phenominal Polyfill.io Service by FTLabs for Rails applications.

How to use

The library provides a simple view helper to load in the polyfills. Simply in any view file add the polyfills call. Make sure to load it prior to running any other javascript. Here's an example app/views/layouts/welcome.erb:

    <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all' %>
    <%= csrf_meta_tokens %>

    <%= yield %>

    <%= polyfills %>
    <%= javascript_include_tag 'application' %>



Add the gem to your Gemfile: gem "polyfillrb", "~>1.0.0"

Then you must run the command to build the polyfills. simply run:

%> polyfillrb init

Future Plans

  • Cache polyfills to avoid node IO calls (especially in production)
  • Ensure we are doing the most performant javascript executions.
  • Remove the need to run polyfillrb init on install. It'd be best if it could all be bundled up, but that has some issues to resolve in itself.