Polar Express

Polar Express is a Ruby gem that allows easy integration of the awesome inuit.css framework into the Rails asset pipeline.


Add the following line to your Gemfile then run the bundle command.

gem 'polar-express'

To use the latest releae of the gem from github add the following line to your Gemfile instead of the line above and run the bundle command to install the gem.

gem 'polar-express', :git => 'https://github.com/danielboggs/polar-express.git'

Use the included generator to create the necessary assets.

rails g inuitcss:install

This creates a /app/assets/stylesheets/inuit.css.scss file in your application which abstracts inuit.css's styles.scss and _vars.scss files into your application so you can still use the framework's built in variables and customizations.

Additional Installation Notes

Once I have the gem installed and the assets generated I typically remove the require_tree . line from my /app/assets/stylesheets/application.css file and manually require the generated asset file with *= require inuit.css.scss. This allows the framework to totally handle the css of your project without rails automatically including anything that gets dropped into the stylesheets directory.

From here I typically create a theme folder in my stylesheets directory and add any custom/theme sass files there such as _layout.scss, _header.scss etc. then manually import them at the bottom of the inuit.css.scss file.


@import "theme/layout";