
This terminal application seeks to emulate the basic functionality of the fictional ‘Pokedex’ device from within the Pokemon universe; a digital encyclopaedia of all existing Pokemon, their ‘Types’ and their attributes. Unlike the classical Pokedex, the user is able to update attributes of any Pokemon and add an entirely new Pokemon of their choosing to the database.

While several Pokedex applications exist, pokedex-terminal seeks to run with minimal computational resources as to allow access to the widest audience possible, particuarly those using outdated devices.

pokedex-terminal also allows offline access to Pokemon attributes and descriptions for usage in situations where there is no internet access, or if Pokemon-related online content has been blocked/censored under oppressive regimes where downloading or accessing Pokemon-related online content is punishable by death.


I used manual testing to test my app. You can find a spreadsheet that documents these tests here.


Gem Dependencies

The above dependencies should automatically install with the gem install command below, but you will have to manually install mpg123.


sudo apt-get install mpg123

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -Sy mpg123


brew install mpg123

Once you have, run the command below from terminal.

$ gem install pokedex-terminal

Hardware requirements.

This program should run on any terminal-enabled device built during or after the year that the Pokemon franchise was created.


Run in terminal.

$ pokemon-terminal


This application allows the user to do the following:


When the user selects "List Pokemon" from the main menu, the list_menu method of the List class is called. This method contains a menu system derived from 'tty-prompt' gem. This menu offers several options:

  1. "List all"

    To List all pokemon, the .list_all method of the List class is called. This method takes an input of data (@@pokemon_data). Then, a .each loop to iterate through the @@pokemon_data object (which contains hashes for each Pokemon). For each hash, the .print_pokemon_condensed method of the Print class is called with that hash an input. This method prints only the ':name' value of that hash.

  2. "List by Type"

    To list Pokemon by type, firstly the .add_type method belonging to the New class is called. This presents the user with a 'tty-prompt' .select menu which allows them to select a Pokemon Type. The user choice is returned and stored in the 'user_input' variable.

    Then the .list_by method of the List class is called. This method takes an input of data (@@pokemon_data), the hash key we want to filter within (:type_1), and the exact value we want to filter (user_input).

    This method uses a .each method to iterate through each hash the @@pokemon_data object, if a hash's ':type_1' value matches user_input, the .print_pokemon_condensed method of the Print class is called with that hash an input. This method prints only the ':name' value of that hash.

  3. "List by Secondary Type"

    To list Pokemon by type, firstly the .add_type method belonging to the New class is called. This presents the user with a 'tty-prompt' .select menu which allows them to select a Pokemon Secondary Type. The user choice is returned and stored in the 'user_input' variable.

    Then the .list_by method of the List class is called. This method takes an input of data (@@pokemon_data), the hash key we want to filter within (:type_2), and the exact value we want to filter (user_input).

    This method uses a .each method to iterate through each hash the @@pokemon_data object, if a hash's ':type_2' value matches user_input, the .print_pokemon_condensed method of the Print class is called with that hash an input. This method prints only the ':name' value of that hash.

  4. "List by Generation"

    To list Pokemon by generation, firstly a 'tty-prompt' ..ask method is used to prompt the user for a number between 1-8. This input is returned and stored in a variable called 'user_input.

    Then the .list_by method of the List class is called. This method takes an input of data (@@pokemon_data), the hash key we want to filter within (:generation), and the exact value we want to filter (user_input converted to an integer).

    This method uses a .each method to iterate through each hash the @@pokemon_data object, if a hash's ':generation' value matches user_input, the .print_pokemon_condensed method of the Print class is called with that hash an input. This method prints only the ':name' value of that hash.

  5. "List Legendary Pokemon"

    To list Pokemon by generation, the .list_by method of the List class is called. This method takes an input of data (@@pokemon_data), the hash key we want to filter within (:legendary), and the exact value we want to filter ('True').

    This method uses a .each method to iterate through each hash the @@pokemon_data object, if a hash's ':generation' value matches 'True', the .print_pokemon_condensed method of the Print class is called with that hash an input. This method prints only the ':name' value of that hash.

Project Management

I used Trello create tasks and track my project completion. Here is a link to this Trello.

Control Flow Diagram



After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests (if they exist). You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/pokedex-terminal. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the GPL-3.0 License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the pokedex-terminal project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.

