
This gem implements robust pessimistic locking as described at using the ruby redis client.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pmckee11-redis-lock', require: 'redis-lock'

and then run bundler.

Or run

$ gem install pmckee11-redis-lock


This implements a distributed lock with a timeout almost exactly as described in the redis documentation. There are a few other redis lock implementations in ruby, but none of them seemed to be using the newer features in redis that can yield a performance improvement (e.g. the expanded SET parameters and Lua scripting). Using this gem requires a redis 2.6.12 or newer server, allowing it to leverage those newer features to make fewer round trips and provide better performance


Create an instance of Redis::Lock with the desired redis connection and parameters. auto_release_time is the lock TTL in seconds (defaults to 10) and base_sleep is the amount of time in milliseconds to sleep after the first failure to acquire a lock (defaults to 100ms). Successive failures to acquire a lock result in exponential back off to prevent wasted cycles:

redis =
my_lock =, 
                          :auto_release_time => LOCK_TTL_IN_SECS, 
                          :base_sleep => SLEEP_IN_MS)

Once you have a lock, you can manually lock and unlock or pass a block to lock only around your code:

# Do stuff
my_lock.unlock |lock|
    # Do stuff

You can also configure the maximum amount of time in seconds to block on acquiring a lock (defaults to 10):

my_lock(5).do |lock|
    # Do stuff


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request