
plist viewer for iOS Simulator. You can get contents of UserDefaults by json format.


$ gem install plview


You need to specify iOS version and your app name.

$ plview -v 7.0 -a APP_NAME
{"key":"value", ...}


$ plview -h
Usage: plist.rb [options]
    -v, --version          iOS Version
    -a, --application      App name
    -p, --plist            Plist name
        --versions         Print all available iOS versions
        --apps             Print all installed applications
        --plists           Print all plists for specified app
        --path             Print full path for (version|app|plist)
    -h, --help             Display this help message.

When you use plview in other scripts, --path option would be useful. It returns directory path for specified version or app or plist.

$ plist -v 7.0 -a APP_NAME -path
/Users/you/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/7.0/Applications/ABCDEFGH-IJKL-MNOP-QRST-UVWXYZ123456


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