Copyleaks Ruby SDK

Copyleaks SDK is a simple framework that allows you to scan textual content for plagiarism and trace content distribution online, using the Copyleaks plagiarism checker cloud.

Detect plagiarism using Copyleaks SDK in:


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'plagiarism-checker'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or use the command:

$ gem install plagiarism-checker

Or git clone this repository and install the required dependency:

$ git clone
$ gem install mimemagic


This gem is tested on ruby-1.9.3-p551, jruby- and ruby-2.3.0.


For a fast testing, launch the script example_syncronized.rb or example_async.rb and just change the email and api_key values to your own.

You can also watch the Get Started YouTube video.


First, import the Copyleaks API module:

require 'copyleaks_api'

Register to Copyleaks and get an api-key at:

Your api-key is available at your dashboard on

Login to Copyleaks API with your api-key and email:

cloud =, my_api_key, :businesses)

Notice that the 3rd argument is the product that you wish to use. The available products are:

For Businesses - :businesses - Media Publishers, Consulting Firms, Law Firms, Scientific Journals, SMBs etc.

For Education - :education - Universities, Schools, LMS etc.

For Websites - :websites - Website Owners, SEO Agencies, Bloggers, Online Magazines and Journals etc.

Then you can start to scan your content for plagiarism:

process = cloud.create_by_file(file_path)

Methods create_by_url, create_by_file, create_by_files, create_by_text and create_by_ocr returns CopyleaksApi::CopyleaksProcess objects.

We highly recommend you to use the http_callback header in order to get a callback once the process is finished with its results:

CopyleaksApi::Config.http_callback = ''

For more information about callbacks take a look at example_asynchronous.rb file.

If you want to check the status of the process programatically use process.update_status:

while process.processing?
    puts "#"*(process.progress/2) + "-"*(50 - process.progress/2) + "#{process.progress}%"

And get the results programatically:

results = process.get_results

puts "#{results.size} Results: "
results.each do |res|
  puts res.to_s


You can set a specific header:

CopyleaksApi::Config.sandbox_mode = true

Or can include all of the necessary configurations in one place:

CopyleaksApi::Config do |config|
    config.sanbox_mode = true
    config.allow_partial_scan = true
    config.http_callback = ''
    config.in_progress_result = ''
    config.email_callback = '[email protected]'
    config.custom_fields = { some_field: 'and its value' }
    config.compare_only = true  # Only while using create-by-files
    config.import_to_database_only = true  # To only upload your file to our database, will not consume any credits.

Also some parameters can be specified in method arguments.

If you want to disable all callbacks you can add the header no_callback: true to any of the 'create' methods (no_http_callback or no_email_callback to disable only one). no_custom_fields works the same way.


Class Description
BasicError Superclass error for all gem errors
BadCustomFieldError Given custom fields didn't pass validation (key/value/overall size is too large)
BadFileError Given file is too large
BadEmailError Given call back email is invalid
BadUrlError Given callback url is invalid
UnknownLanguageError Given OCR language is invalid
BadResponseError Response from API is not 200 code
ManagedError Response contains Copyleaks managed error code (see list here)

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