
Workflow: Ruby

Pirate Weather forecast.io API wrapper in Ruby, forked from Dark Sky's forecast.io.

Pirate Weather aims to be a drop-in replacement for Apple's (now) non-free Dark Sky API. Similarly, this project's goal is to provide a drop-in replacement for the Ruby Dark Sky API wrapper.


gem install pirate_weather_forecast_ruby

or in your Gemfile

gem 'pirate_weather_forecast_ruby'


Make sure you require the library.

require 'pirate_weather_forecast_ruby'

You need to set an API key before you can make requests to the API. Grab one from Pirate Weather.

ForecastIO.configure do |configuration|
  configuration.api_key = 'this-is-your-api-key'


ForecastIO.api_key = 'this-is-your-api-key'

You can then make requests to the ForecastIO.forecast(latitude, longitude, options = {}) method.

Valid options in the options hash are:

  • :time - Unix time in seconds.
  • :params - Query parameters that can contain the following:
    • :jsonp - JSONP callback.
    • :units - Return the API response in SI units, rather than the default Imperial units.
    • :exclude - "Exclude some number of data blocks from the API response. This is useful for reducing latency and saving cache space. [blocks] should be a comma-delimeted list (without spaces) of any of the following: currently, minutely, hourly, daily, alerts, flags." (via Dark Sky's v2 docs)

Get the current forecast:

forecast = ForecastIO.forecast(37.8267, -122.423)

Get the current forecast at a given time:

forecast = ForecastIO.forecast(37.8267, -122.423, time: Time.new(2013, 3, 11).to_i)

Get the current forecast and use SI units:

forecast = ForecastIO.forecast(37.8267, -122.423, params: { units: 'si' })

The forecast(...) method will return a response that you can interact with in a more-friendly way, such as:

forecast = ForecastIO.forecast(37.8267, -122.423)



Copyright (c) 2023 Alex Cochran