pingr-rails is a rails plugin for accessing the Pingdom API using “Pingr”

h2. Requirements

Install the soap4r (and thor gems if you want to use the command line version).

h2. Usage

You will need to create a “pingdom.yml” file the __config__ directory. It should look like:

<pre> :username: [email protected] :password: YourPingdomPassword :api_key: 13c9a18ee27cafebabe4a72dead3beef </pre>

Obviously replace your email/login, password, and Pingdom API keys appropriately.

You can then call methods on the __PingrRails__ class

e.g. <pre> PingrRails.current_states </pre>

available methods: <pre><code>

  • downtime_summary(check, from, to)

  • responsetime_summary(check, from, to, resolution = Report_ResolutionEnum::DAILY, locs = nil)

  • outages(check, from, to, page=nil)

  • raw_data(check, from, to, page=nil)

  • checks

  • locations

  • current_states

  • last_outages
