
A wrapper for the API. MIT licensed.



You'll need to create an account at first.


Create an initializer, eg. pin.rb, using keys from Pin's Your Account page.

Pin.setup secret_key: 'PIN_SECRET_KEY', publishable_key: 'PIN_PUBLISHABLE_KEY', mode: :test

The mode should be :live or :test depending on which API you want to access. The publishable_key is optional.

Alternatively, you could fetch keys from a YAML file, e.g. like this initializer:

pin_config_path = Rails.root.join 'config', 'pin.yml'
if File.exists?(pin_config_path)
  configuration = YAML.load_file(pin_config_path)
  raise "No environment configured for Pin for RAILS_ENV=#{Rails.env}" unless configuration[Rails.env]
  Pin.setup configuration[Rails.env].symbolize_keys

and then in config/pin.yml:

  secret_key: "TEST_API_SECRET"
  publishable_key: "TEST_PUBLISHABLE_KEY"
  mode: "test"

  secret_key: "TEST_API_SECRET"
  publishable_key: "TEST_PUBLISHABLE_KEY"
  mode: "test"

  secret_key: "LIVE_API_SECRET"
  publishable_key: "LIVE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY"
  mode: "live"

This allows you to inject pin.yml at deployment time, so that the secret key can be kept separate from your codebase.


You'll probably want to create a form through which users can enter their details. Pin's guide will step you through this. The publishable key will be necessary and, if set, can be obtained by calling Pin.publishable_key. You can also ask the module for the path to the javascript for the configured mode:

<%= javascript_include_tag Pin.js_url %>

Creating a charge is simple. In your controller:

def create
  Pin::Charge.create email: '[email protected]', description: '1 year of service', amount: 10000,
                     currency: 'AUD', ip_address: params[:ip_address], card_token: params[:card_token]

  redirect_to new_payment_path, notice: "Your credit card has been charged"

This will issue a once-off charge (API).

For a recurring charge, you may wish to create a customer record at Pin. To do this, either create a Card object first, then a corresponding Customer via the API; or use a card_token returned from Pin.js to create a customer. Note that in either case you may activate additional compliance provisions in Pin's Terms & Conditions.

# this doesn't contact the API
card = number: '5520000000000000', expiry_month: '12', expiry_year: '2018', cvc: '123',
                     name: 'User Name', address_line1: 'GPO Box 1234', address_city: 'Melbourne', address_postcode: '3001', address_state: 'VIC', address_country: 'Australia'

# this contacts the API and returns a customer
customer = Pin::Customer.create '[email protected]', card

# this contacts the API and returns a charge
Pin::Charge.create email: '[email protected]', description: '1 year of service', amount: 10000,
                   currency: 'AUD', ip_address: '', customer: customer # shorthand for customer_token: customer.token

You can view your customers in the Pin dashboard. This lets you charge customers regularly without asking for their credit card details each time.

# get all customers from the API
customers = Pin::Customer.all

# find the customer you are trying to charge, assuming `current_user` is defined elsewhere
customer = customers.find {|c| ==}

# create a charge for the customer
# note that using this method you will need to store the `ip_address` of the user
# generally you can store this from when you initially created the customer (via Pin.js)
Pin::Charge.create email:, description: '1 month of service', amount: 19900,
                   currency: 'AUD', ip_address: user.ip_address, customer: customer

Errors from the API will result in aPin::APIError exception being thrown:

  response = Pin::Charge.create( ... )
rescue Pin::APIError => e
  redirect_to new_payment_path, flash: { error: "Charge failed: #{e.message}" }