
gem install piecss

Gem Version npm version


\\ Install dependencies
npm install

\\ Install Sassdoc
gem install sassdoc

\\ Install scss lint
gem install scss_lint

API Documentation

The API documentation can be compiled automatically from the source:

\\ Render API documentation
sassdoc sass/piecss

The docs are compiled inside a sassdoc folder in the project root and can be accessed in your browser. For more information on Sassdocs and how to use it, refer to http://sassdoc.com/.


If you want to develop for Piecss, you need to also install the linter:

\\ Install scss lint
gem install scss_lint

\\ Run linter
scss-lint sass/piecss/**/*.scss

For more information on Scss Lint and how to use it, refer to https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint.

Unit Tests

\\ Run unit tests
sass --watch tests/all.scss sass/**/*.scss