Gem Version

Here's a demo

Simple "zooming lightbox" that doesn't suck.

This is a fairly simple piece of JS code, but also something I've re-written a number of times over the last few years. So here's the "canonical version".


Include the JavaScript code. For Ruby on Rails, you can use the gem (see below).

All you need to do after that is tell it which images to zoom:


The larger version is loaded either from the data-large or src attribute:

<img src="smaller_version.jpg" data-large="larger-version.jpg">
<img src="large_version.jpg" style="width: 100px">

or if you also want your image to do something without JS:

<a href="larger-version.jpg">
  <img src="smaller_version.jpg" data-large="larger-version.jpg">

There's one (optional) argument: the animation speed. The default is 400ms.

// Very fast!

// Just show a large version (don't animate)

That's all there's to it :-)

Ruby on Rails installation

This is packaged as a Ruby gem ready to use in a Rails app.

Add to your Gemfile

gem 'picture_zoomer'

Add to your application.js:

// =require picture_zoomer