h1. Pictrails

A Web Photo Gallery, written with Rails 2.1. Pictrails can manage several photo galleries.

h2. Features

* Create several Galleries
* Create Galleries like child of another Gallery
* Add several pictures in a Gallery
* Create a gallery with define a directory in same server of pictrails if the
directory has several directories into, all of this directory are child of
master Gallery
* Admin interface with login to add/edit/delete Galleries and Pictures
* Define the thumbnails and pictures size in settings interface
* Delete the cache page in settings interface
* Define the number of pictures by pagination Gallery
* Define the number of gallery by pagination of Gallery's list
* Define a list of tag for pictures
* View a sidebar with all gallery in it tree
* Navigate with a breadcrumb
* View a cloud tag of all gallery
* Navigate by tag
* Comments on each pictures

h2. Requirements

Currently you need all of those things to get Pictrails to run:

* Ruby On Rails 2.1.x
* Ruby of 1.8.6 or greater
* A database supported by Rails ActiveRecord (MySQL, DB2, SQLite3, ...)
* Ruby drivers for your database (obviously out of the box with Rails)
* Redcloth gem
* A gem of an image-handling API like :
** ImageScience
** RMagick
** Mini-magick

h2. Installing

With the tar.gz or any other archive:

* Extract sources to a folder
* Create a database.yml file in the config directory. You can copy the database.yml.example
* Create your databases: <kbd>rake db:create:all</kbd>
* Migrate your database: <kbd>rake db:migrate</kbd>
* Start the server in production mode : <kbd>ruby script/server -e production</kbd>

h2. Updating

With the tar.gz or any other archive:

* Extract sources and replace all in the old folder
* Stop the server
* Migrate your database: <kbd>rake db:migrate</kbd>
* Start the server in production mode : <kbd>ruby script/server -e production</kbd>

h2. Demo Website

A demo website of Pictrails is available to the "demo of pictrails":http://pictrails.shingara.fr

The "admin part":http://pictrails.shingara.fr/admin has like login/pass : admin/pictrails

h2. Information about this project

Pictrails is actually consider like an Beta version, and is under development.

All contributions are welcome.

I suck in design, I know it and I am sorry but I will really be happy if anyone could
help me.

If you want to contribute, all work is made under a git repository. You can clone the
source with the following command :

<kbd>git clone git://github.com/shingara/pictrails.git</kbd>

After a clone you need update the submodule :

<kbd>git submodule init</kbd>
<kbd>git submodule update</kbd>

A "redmine development platform":http://dev.shingara.fr/projects/show/3 is
used. Feel free to post your feature requests and defects report.

h2. License

This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license (provided with sources).