Picdown pipeline Codacy Badge

Picdown is a command line tool that downloads the given images from a source file. It also allows you to make parallel requests to download images. Picdown provides fancy outputs such as progress bar for each request to inform the user.



Picdown is dockerised, which means you can experiment it by building the image from Dockerfile. Please run the below command to do that.

Note that you need to have a proper docker environment first.

docker build . -t picdown

If you want to build it manually, please follow the following instructions.

bundle config --global silence_root_warning true
bundle config --global set path vendor/bundle
bundle install
bundle exec rake install
gem install pkg/picdown-*.gem

Picdown is also a gem published on GitLab. You can have it by skipping installation steps. Please ensure that you have set up GitLab Rubygems Registry before running the following command.

gem install picdown --version <VERSION>


Please have a look at the help text of picdown for more information.

➜ picdown -h
  picdown download FILE            # Download files from the specified source file.
  picdown validate PATH            # Validate source file
  picdown version                  # Print version


It validates the given source file if it contains valid URLs.

picdown validate SOURCE


It downloads the images given by the source file. It needs a valid file path.

picdown download SOURCE

To download the images parallel:

picdown download SOURCE --parallel=4

You are also able to configure the download parameters. Please check the below help text for additional parameters.

➜ picdown download -h

  --destination=VALUE               # Destination where files to be downloaded., default: "."
  --parallel=VALUE                  # Number of parallel download processes., default: 1
  --open-timeout=VALUE              # Open timeout for connections. (secs), default: 15
  --read-timeout=VALUE              # Read timeout for connections. (secs), default: 15
  --max-size=VALUE                  # Max file size. (bytes), default: 5242880
  --max-redirects=VALUE             # Max redirections., default: 3



Picdown includes a demo file, which is located in assets, that you can use.

picdown download assets/test.txt


docker run -t picdown download assets/test.txt


Not licensed yet.