This is the command line interface to CloudPi Cloud Application Platform

_Copyright 2010-2012, Samsung.

  1. For Users

1.1 Prerequisite: Installing Ruby and RubyGems

Currently support Ruby version v1.8.7 and v1.9.2
Installing Ruby and RubyGems on Windows and Linux computers(If you have already installed Ruby and RubyGems, then you can skip to Installing pi Steps):

Download and install Ruby Installer for Windows from www.rubyinstaller.org. The installer already includes RubyGems. Be sure you use the Ruby-enabled command prompt window when you later install and use pi. You access this command prompt from the Windows Start menu (All Programs > Ruby <version> > Start Command Prompt with Ruby). Linux: Install the full Ruby package and RubyGems: $ apt-get install ruby-full rubygems $ ruby -v $ gem -v 1.2 Installing pi

$ gem install pi
$ pi version

1.3 Quick Start

To get full help for pi command line, run:
$ pi help
To get info for pi command line, run:
$ pi info
To login, run:
$ pi login
  1. For Developers

2.1 Dependency

"json_pure", "~> 1.5.1"
"highline", "~> 1.6.1"
"rest-client", ">= 1.6.1", "< 1.7.0"
"terminal-table", "~> 1.4.2"
"interact", "~> 0.4.0"

2.2 Creating Your Own Gem

If you want to use your own pi command line based on currently pi command line, you can rewrite your own code, then create a gem. You can refer to RubyGems Manuals (http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/5). Here are simple steps:
a.create a gem specification(for example, you can define my_pi.gemspec)
b.$ gem build my_pi.gemspec, after that my_pi.gem is created.
c.$ gem push my_pi-1.0.0.gem, that will instantly deploy your gem to the rubygems.org servers, and other users will be able to install it using gem install.
d.$ gem install my_pi.gem
  1. Help

    "Usage: pi [options] command [<args>] [command_options]\n" +
    "Try 'pi help [command]' or 'pi help options' for more information."
Currently available pi commands are:

  login [url] [--user,--password]                             Login
  logout                                                      Logs current user out of the system
  info                                                        List system information
  user                                                        Display user information
  targets                                                     List available targets infomation
  password [oldpassword] [--password PASS]                    Change the password for the current user
  github [name] [--email,--password]                          Bind to the github account
  runtimes                                                    Display the supported runtimes of the system
  frameworks                                                  Display the supported frameworks of the system
  version                                                     Display version information
  help [command]                                              Get general help or help on a specific command
  help options                                                Get help on available options

  projects                                                    List created projects 
  create-project [project]                                    Create a new project                
  delete-project [projectid]                                  Delete the project             
  project-events [projectid]                                  List the event info for the project
  project-tags [projectid]                                    List the tags for the project
  project-commits [projectid]                                 List the commit log for the project
  upload [projectid] [--path,--ver,--desc]                    Upload the war package for java project

  apps [--projectid,--target]                                 List deployed applications
  create-app [appname]                                        Create a new application
  delete-app [appid]                                          Delete the application
  delete-app <appname> <--target TARGET>                      Delete the application
  start-app [appid]                                           Start the application
  start-app <appname> <--target TARGET>                       Start the application
  stop-app [appid]                                            Stop the application
  stop-app <appname> <--target TARGET>                        Stop the application
  stop-app --graceful                                         Stop the application in a graceful mode
  restart-app [appid]                                         Restart the application
  restart-app <appname> <--target TARGET>                     Restart the application
  restart-app --graceful --lazy                               Restart the application in a graceful and lazy mode
  scale-app [appid] [--instance N]                            Scale the application instances up or down
  scale-app <appname> <--target TARGET> [--instance N]        Scale the application instances up or down
  scale-app --graceful                                        Scale the application instances in a graceful mode
  update-app [appid] [--ver VERSION]                          Update the application
  update-app <appname> <--target TARGET> [--ver VERSION]      Update the application
  update-app --graceful --lazy                                Update the application in a graceful and lazy mode
  status [appid]                                              Display resource usage for the application
  status <appname> <--target TARGET>                          Display resource usage for the application
  app-env [appid]                                             Display the environments for the application
  app-env <appname> <--target TARGET>                         Display the environments for the application
  create-env [appid] [--name,--value]                         Create the environment for the application
  create-env <appname> <--target TARGET> [--name,--value]     Create the environment for the application
  delete-env [appid] [--name NAME]                            Delete the environment for the application
  delete-env <appname> <--target TARGET> [--name NAME]        Delete the environment for the application
  app-log [appid] [--instanceid,--file]                       List the logs for the application
  app-log <appname> <--target TARGET> [--instanceid,--file]   List the logs for the application
  app-debug [appid]                                           List the debug info for the application
  app-debug <appname> <--target TARGET>                       List the debug info for the application

  app-service [appid]                                         Display the binded services for the application
  app-service <appname> <--target TARGET>                     Display the binded services for the application
  bind-service [appid] [--service SERVICE]                    Bind the services for the application
  bind-service <appname> <--target TARGET> [--service]        Bind the services for the application
  bind-service --graceful --lazy                              Bind the services for the application in a graceful and lazy mode
  unbind-service [appid] [--service SERVICE]                  Unbind the services for the application
  unbind-service <appname> <--target TARGET> [--service]      Unbind the services for the application
  unbind-service --graceful --lazy                            Unbind the services for the application in a graceful and lazy mode
  services                                                    List dedicated services
  service [serviceid]                                         List the connection info for the service
  export-service [serviceid]                                  Export dedicated service url
  import-service [url]                                        Import dedicated service
  check-service [serviceid]                                   Check availability for the service 
  delete-service [serviceid]                                  Delete the service
  register-service [serviceid] [--target,--type]              Register to target
  deregister-service [serviceid] [--target TARGET]            Deregister to target

  app-dns [appid]                                             Display the mapped urls for the application
  app-dns <appname> <--target TARGET>                         Display the mapped urls for the application
  map-dns [appid] [--dns DNS]                                 Map the urls for the application
  map-dns <appname> <--target TARGET> [--dns DNS]             Map the urls for the application
  unmap-dns [appid] [--dns DNS]                               Unmap the urls for the application                                      
  unmap-dns <appname> <--target TARGET> [--dns DNS]           Unmap the urls for the application
  dns                                                         List the dns
  zones                                                       List the dns zones
  create-dns [dnsname] [--zoneid,--projectid,--desc]          Create a new dns
  register-dns [dnsid] [--target,--continent,--country]       Register to target
  deregister-dns [dnsid] [--recordid ID]                      Deregister to target
  delete-dns [dnsid]                                          Delete the dns
  1. Example

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi login Attempting login to ‘staging.samsungcloud.org’? [Yn]: User: wangjing Password: ******* Successfully logged into [staging.samsungcloud.org]

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi login staging.samsungcloud.org –user wangjing –password cloudpi Successfully logged into [staging.samsungcloud.org]

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi version pi 0.1.27

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi user

UserName: wangjing DomainName: bst RoleName: user State: Active Github Account Name: ruanzhimin Github Account Email: [email protected]

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi targets

-----------———————————–+ | Name | URL | -----------———————————–+ | bst-dev | bst-dev.samsungcloud.org | | target-hq | target-hq.samsungcloud.org | -----------———————————–+

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi password Old Password: ******* New Password: **** Verify Password: **** ok

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi runtimes

-------- | Name | -------- | java | | ruby18 | --------

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi frameworks

---------- | Name | ---------- | lift | | spring | | grails | | java_web | | rails3 | | sinatra | ----------

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi github Please input your name: ruanzhimin Please input your email: [email protected] Please input your password: **************** ok

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi help

Usage: pi [options] command [<args>] [command_options] Try ‘pi help [command]’ or ‘pi help options’ for more information.

Currently available pi commands are:

  login [url] [--user,--password]                             Login
  logout                                                      Logs current user out of the system
  info                                                        List system information
  user                                                        Display user information
  targets                                                     List available targets infomation
  password [oldpassword] [--password PASS]                    Change the password for the current user
  github [name] [--email,--password]                          Bind to the github account
  runtimes                                                    Display the supported runtimes of the system
  frameworks                                                  Display the supported frameworks of the system
  version                                                     Display version information
  help [command]                                              Get general help or help on a specific command
  help options                                                Get help on available options

  projects                                                    List created projects 
  create-project [project]                                    Create a new project                
  delete-project [projectid]                                  Delete the project             
  project-events [projectid]                                  List the event info for the project
  project-tags [projectid]                                    List the tags for the project
  project-commits [projectid]                                 List the commit log for the project
  upload [projectid] [--path,--ver,--desc]                    Upload the war package for java project

  apps [--projectid,--target]                                 List deployed applications
  create-app [appname]                                        Create a new application
  delete-app [appid]                                          Delete the application
  delete-app <appname> <--target TARGET>                      Delete the application
  start-app [appid]                                           Start the application
  start-app <appname> <--target TARGET>                       Start the application
  stop-app [appid]                                            Stop the application
  stop-app <appname> <--target TARGET>                        Stop the application
  stop-app --graceful                                         Stop the application in a graceful mode
  restart-app [appid]                                         Restart the application
  restart-app <appname> <--target TARGET>                     Restart the application
  restart-app --graceful --lazy                               Restart the application in a graceful and lazy mode
  scale-app [appid] [--instance N]                            Scale the application instances up or down
  scale-app <appname> <--target TARGET> [--instance N]        Scale the application instances up or down
  scale-app --graceful                                        Scale the application instances in a graceful mode
  update-app [appid] [--ver VERSION]                          Update the application
  update-app <appname> <--target TARGET> [--ver VERSION]      Update the application
  update-app --graceful --lazy                                Update the application in a graceful and lazy mode
  status [appid]                                              Display resource usage for the application
  status <appname> <--target TARGET>                          Display resource usage for the application
  app-env [appid]                                             Display the environments for the application
  app-env <appname> <--target TARGET>                         Display the environments for the application
  create-env [appid] [--name,--value]                         Create the environment for the application
  create-env <appname> <--target TARGET> [--name,--value]     Create the environment for the application
  delete-env [appid] [--name NAME]                            Delete the environment for the application
  delete-env <appname> <--target TARGET> [--name NAME]        Delete the environment for the application
  app-log [appid] [--instanceid,--file]                       List the logs for the application
  app-log <appname> <--target TARGET> [--instanceid,--file]   List the logs for the application
  app-debug [appid]                                           List the debug info for the application
  app-debug <appname> <--target TARGET>                       List the debug info for the application

  app-service [appid]                                         Display the binded services for the application
  app-service <appname> <--target TARGET>                     Display the binded services for the application
  bind-service [appid] [--service SERVICE]                    Bind the services for the application
  bind-service <appname> <--target TARGET> [--service]        Bind the services for the application
  bind-service --graceful --lazy                              Bind the services for the application in a graceful and lazy mode
  unbind-service [appid] [--service SERVICE]                  Unbind the services for the application
  unbind-service <appname> <--target TARGET> [--service]      Unbind the services for the application
  unbind-service --graceful --lazy                            Unbind the services for the application in a graceful and lazy mode
  services                                                    List dedicated services
  service [serviceid]                                         List the connection info for the service
  export-service [serviceid]                                  Export dedicated service url
  import-service [url]                                        Import dedicated service
  check-service [serviceid]                                   Check availability for the service 
  delete-service [serviceid]                                  Delete the service
  register-service [serviceid] [--target,--type]              Register to target
  deregister-service [serviceid] [--target TARGET]            Deregister to target

  app-dns [appid]                                             Display the mapped urls for the application
  app-dns <appname> <--target TARGET>                         Display the mapped urls for the application
  map-dns [appid] [--dns DNS]                                 Map the urls for the application
  map-dns <appname> <--target TARGET> [--dns DNS]             Map the urls for the application
  unmap-dns [appid] [--dns DNS]                               Unmap the urls for the application                                      
  unmap-dns <appname> <--target TARGET> [--dns DNS]           Unmap the urls for the application
  dns                                                         List the dns
  zones                                                       List the dns zones
  create-dns [dnsname] [--zoneid,--projectid,--desc]          Create a new dns
  register-dns [dnsid] [--target,--continent,--country]       Register to target
  deregister-dns [dnsid] [--recordid ID]                      Deregister to target
  delete-dns [dnsid]                                          Delete the dns

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi help options

Available options:

    --user USER
    --password PASS
    --name NAME
    --email EMAIL
    --path PATH
    --ver VERSION
    --desc DESC
    --projectid ID
    --target TARG
    --instance N
    --type TYPE
    --value VALUE
    --service SERVICE
    --dns DNS
    --zoneid ID
    --instanceid N
    --file FILE
    --continent CONT
    --country COUNTRY
    --recordid ID
-t [TKEY]
    --trace [TKEY]
-q, --quiet
-v, --version
-h, --help

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi help stop-app Usage: pi stop-app [appid] [–graceful] or pi stop-app <appname> <–target TARGET> [–graceful]

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi projects

------——————---------———–----------—————————————————————————-------------- | ID | Name | Runtime | Framework | Git Type | GitUrl | Description | ------——————---------———–----------—————————————————————————-------------- | 2131 | javagithub | java | spring | github | [email protected]/ruanzhimin/javagithub.git | test | | 2193 | javawj | java | spring | cloudpi | [email protected]/wangjing/javawj.git | test | | 2132 | railsgithub | ruby18 | rails3 | github | [email protected]/ruanzhimin/railsgithub.git | test | | 2028 | railswj | ruby18 | rails3 | cloudpi | [email protected]/wangjing/railswj.git | test | | 2271 | sinatra | ruby18 | sinatra | cloudpi | [email protected]/wangjing/sinatra.git | test | | 2414 | sinatra4rabbitmq | ruby18 | sinatra | cloudpi | [email protected]/wangjing/sinatra4rabbitmq.git | test | | 2416 | sinatra4redis | ruby18 | sinatra | cloudpi | [email protected]/wangjing/sinatra4redis.git | test | ------——————---------———–----------—————————————————————————--------------

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi create-project Project Name: java 1: java 2: ruby18 Select Runtime: 1 Selected Runtime: java 1: lift 2: spring 3: grails 4: java_web Select Framework: 2 Selected Framework: spring Please enter in the description: test 1: cloudpi 2: github Select Repository Type: 1 Selected Repository Type: cloudpi Creating project “java”: .….….…OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi upload 1: java 2: javagithub 3: javawj Select Project: 1 Selected Project: java Please enter the path of upload war file: /home/wangjing/paashelp.war Please enter the version: paashelp Please enter in the description: test Uploading “paashelp.war”: .OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi create-app 1: bst-dev 2: target-hq Select Target: 1 Selected Target: bst-dev Application Name: grails4redis 1: grails4membase 2: grails4redis 3: javagithub 4: javawj 5: railsgithub 6: railswj 7: sinatra 8: sinatra4rabbitmq 9: sinatra4redis 10: testdebug Select Project: 2 Selected Project: grails4redis 1: v3 Select Version: 1 Selected Version: v3 URL: grails4redis.wangjing.bst-dev.samsungpaas.com Memory reservation (64M, 128M, 256M, 512M, 1G, 2G) [64M]: Available memory: 1984 M, maximum instances: 31 How many instances(from 1 to 31)? [1]: Need debug? [yN]: y 1: restart 2: notify Reaction when service changed [notify]: 1 Need graceful? [Yn]: Need lazy? [Yn]: Need monitor? [yN]: y Creating application “grails4redis”: .….….….….….….….….….….….….….……Success to create appliation.

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi apps ------———–--------------————————————————--------------———----------———–------------------- | ID | Target | App name | URL | Deploy Type | Version | Status | Instances | Running Instances | ------———–--------------————————————————--------------———----------———–------------------- | 2270 | target-hq | grails4redis | grails4redis.wangjing.target-hq.samsungpaas.com | binary | v3 | STARTED | 1 | 0 | | 2413 | bst-dev | grails4redis | grails4redis.wangjing.bst-dev.samsungpaas.com | binary | v3 | STARTED | 1 | 1 | | 2399 | bst-dev | testdebug | testdebug.wangjing.bst-dev.samsungpaas.com | binary | paashelp | STARTED | 1 | 1 | ------———–--------------————————————————--------------———----------———–-------------------

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi apps –target bst-dev ------———--------------———————————————–-------------———----------———–------------------- | ID | Target | App name | URL | Deploy Type | Version | Status | Instances | Running Instances | ------———--------------———————————————–-------------———----------———–------------------- | 2413 | bst-dev | grails4redis | grails4redis.wangjing.bst-dev.samsungpaas.com | binary | v3 | STARTED | 1 | 1 | | 2399 | bst-dev | testdebug | testdebug.wangjing.bst-dev.samsungpaas.com | binary | paashelp | STARTED | 1 | 1 | ------———--------------———————————————–-------------———----------———–-------------------

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi stop-app 1: all 2: project 3: target Select application by: 1 Select application by all 1: grails4redis 2: testdebug 3: grails4redis Select Application: 2 Selected Application: testdebug Need graceful? [Yn]: Stoping application ‘testdebug’(target:bst-dev): OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi stop-app 1: all 2: project 3: target Select application by: 2 Select application by project 1: grails4membase 2: grails4redis 3: javagithub 4: javawj 5: railsgithub 6: railswj 7: sinatra 8: sinatra4rabbitmq 9: sinatra4redis 10: testdebug Select Project: 10 Selected Project: testdebug 1: testdebug Select Application: 1 Selected Application: testdebug The application ‘testdebug’(target:bst-dev) has already stopped.

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi stop-app 1: all 2: project 3: target Select application by: 3 Select application by target 1: bst-dev 2: target-hq Select Target: 1 Selected Target: bst-dev 1: testdebug 2: grails4redis Select Application: 2 Selected Application: grails4redis Need graceful? [Yn]: Stoping application ‘grails4redis’(target:bst-dev): OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi start-app grails4redis –target all The application ‘grails4redis’(target:target-hq) has already started. Starting application ‘grails4redis’(target:bst-dev): .….….….….….….….….….…..Success to start application.

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi restart-app testdebug –target bst-dev –graceful –lazy Restart application ‘testdebug’(target:bst-dev): .….….….….….….….….….…Success to start application.

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi app-debug testdebug –target bst-dev -------------————--------- | Debug IP | Debug Port | State | -------------————--------- | | 52841 | RUNNING | -------------————---------

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi status 1803 -------------———--------———–---------————–------------ | Instance ID | Status | CPU(%) | Memory(M) | Disk(M) | RequestCount | ErrorCount | -------------———--------———–---------————–------------ | 40c8f1 | running | 0.2 | 270 | 116 | 0 | 0 | | 353573 | running | 0.2 | 232 | 116 | 0 | 0 | -------------———--------———–---------————–------------

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi scale-app 1817 How many instances? [1]: 2 Scaling application: .….….….….….….….……OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi update-app 1817 1: test Select Version: 1 Error: Don’t need update application!

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi upload 1: javagithub 2: javatest 3: javawj Select Project: 2 Selected Project: javatest Please enter the path of upload war file: /home/wangjing/paashelp.war Please enter the version: paashelp Please enter in the description: test Uploading “paashelp.war”: ..OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi update-app 1817 1: test 2: paashelp Select Version: 2 Updating application: .….….….….….….….….….….….OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi app-log 1817 Select instance index(from 0 to 1) [0]: 0 1: stderr.log 914B 2: stdout.log 0B Select logs, indexed list?: 1 Selected logs: stderr.log

Jul 20, 2012 7:25:52 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-39652 Jul 20, 2012 7:25:52 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load INFO: Initialization processed in 1155 ms Jul 20, 2012 7:25:52 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start INFO: Starting service Catalina Jul 20, 2012 7:25:52 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.32 Jul 20, 2012 7:25:52 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR INFO: Deploying web application archive probe.war Jul 20, 2012 7:25:57 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory INFO: Deploying web application directory ROOT Jul 20, 2012 7:25:57 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-39652 Jul 20, 2012 7:25:57 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start INFO: Server startup in 5332 ms

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi create-env 1817 Environment Name: aa Environment Value: bb OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi app-env 1817 ------——-+ | Name | Value | ------——-+ | aa | bb | ------——-+

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi delete-env 1817 1: aa Environment Name: 1 Selected Environment Name: aa OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi bind-service 1817 1: mysql_demo_251_cloudpi-dedicated-mysql_wangjing Select services, indexed list?: 1 Selected services: mysql_demo_251_cloudpi-dedicated-mysql_wangjing Binding service: .….….….….….….……OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi app-service 1817 -------------------------------------------------———----------- | Name | Version | Type | -------------------------------------------------———----------- | mysql_demo_251_cloudpi-dedicated-mysql_wangjing | 5.1.410 | dedicated | -------------------------------------------------———-----------

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi unbind-service 1817

  1. mysql_demo_251_cloudpi-dedicated-mysql_wangjing

Select Service: 1 Selected Service: mysql_demo_251_cloudpi-dedicated-mysql_wangjing Unbinding service: .….….….….….….….….….….….……OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi services -----————————————————-------------————–---------———-+ | ID | Name | Farm Name | Service Type | Version | Owner | -----————————————————-------------————–---------———-+ | 269 | mysql_demo_251_cloudpi-dedicated-mysql_wangjing | mysql_demo | mysql | 5.1.41 | wangjing | -----————————————————-------------————–---------———-+

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi service 1: mysql_demo_251_cloudpi-dedicated-mysql_wangjing Select service: 1 href="{"username":"scalr","host":"ec2-75-101-185-90.compute-1.amazonaws.com","password":"03u5PVIFMjV8zg1WLudb","user":"scalr","hostname":"ec2-75-101-185-90.compute-1.amazonaws.com","type":"master","port":3306,"name":"cloudpidb"">version”:“5.1.41”,“vendor”:“mysql”,“plan”:“free”,“credentials”:,“url”:“mysql.com/”,“service_id”:“mysql_demo_251_cloudpi-dedicated-mysql_wangjing”}

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi check-service 1: mysql_demo_251_cloudpi-dedicated-mysql_wangjing Select service: 1 Service is available.

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi export-service 1: mysql_demo_251_cloudpi-dedicated-mysql_wangjing Select service: 1 api.staging.samsungcloud.org/dedicatedservice/6.7250000000000005

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi import-service Input the url to import: OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi register-service 1: mysql_demo_251_cloudpi-dedicated-mysql_wangjing 2: membase-session-manager1_230_cloudpi-dedicated-membase_dev Select service: 2 1: ap-ne-test 2: bst-dev Select target: 1 1: App Service 2: Session Service Select service type: 1 OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi deregister-service 1: mysql_demo_251_cloudpi-dedicated-mysql_wangjing 2: membase-session-manager1_230_cloudpi-dedicated-membase_dev Select service: 2 1: ap-ne-test Select target: 1 OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi delete-service 1: mysql_demo_251_cloudpi-dedicated-mysql_wangjing 2: membase-session-manager1_230_cloudpi-dedicated-membase_dev Select service: 2 OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi map-dns 1817 1: javatest1.samsungpaas.com 2: javatest2.samsungpaas.com Select dns, indexed list?: 1,2 Selected dns: javatest1.samsungpaas.com javatest2.samsungpaas.com Mapping dns: …OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi unmap-dns 1817 1: javatest1.samsungpaas.com 2: javatest2.samsungpaas.com Select DNS: 2 Selected DNS: javatest2.samsungpaas.com Unmapping dns: …OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi app-dns 1817 --------------------------- | Mapped DNS Name | --------------------------- | javatest1.samsungpaas.com | ---------------------------

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi dns -----—————————--------------————-+ | ID | DNS Name | Project Name | Description | -----—————————--------------————-+ | 203 | javawj.samsungpaas.com | javawj | | | 204 | javawj2.samsungpaas.com | javawj | | | 165 | rails.samsungpaas.com | railswj | | | 193 | railsdemo.samsungpaas.com | railswj | | | 168 | railstest.samsungpaas.com | railswj | | | 194 | railstmp.samsungpaas.com | railswj | | -----—————————--------------————-+

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi create-dns 1: railswj 2: javagithub 3: railsgithub 4: javawj 5: sinatra Project name: 4 1: samsungpaas.com Select dns zone: 1 DNS name: javawangj Description: test OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi register-dns 1: rails.samsungpaas.com 2: railstest.samsungpaas.com 3: railsdemo.samsungpaas.com 4: railstmp.samsungpaas.com 5: javawj.samsungpaas.com 6: javawj2.samsungpaas.com 7: javawangj.samsungpaas.com Select DNS: 7 1: ap-ne-test 2: bst-dev Select target: 1 1: Africa 2: Antarctica 3: Asia 4: Europe 5: North America 6: Oceania 7: South America Select continent: 3 Select continent: Asia 1: Afghanistan 2: Armenia 3: Asia(continent) 4: Asia/Pacific Region 5: Azerbaijan 6: Bahrain 7: Bangladesh 8: Bhutan 9: British Indian Ocean Territory 10: Brunei Darussalam 11: Cambodia 12: China 13: Christmas Island 14: Cocos (Keeling) Islands 15: Cyprus 16: Georgia 17: Hong Kong 18: India 19: Indonesia 20: Iran, Islamic Republic of 21: Iraq 22: Israel 23: Japan 24: Jordan 25: Kazakhstan 26: Kuwait 27: Kyrgyzstan 28: Lao People’s Democratic Republic 29: Lebanon 30: Macao 31: Malaysia 32: Maldives 33: Mongolia 34: Myanmar 35: Nepal 36: North Korea 37: Oman 38: Pakistan 39: Palestinian Territory 40: Philippines 41: Qatar 42: Saudi Arabia 43: Singapore 44: South Korea 45: Sri Lanka 46: Syrian Arab Republic 47: Taiwan 48: Tajikistan 49: Thailand 50: Timor-Leste 51: Turkmenistan 52: United Arab Emirates 53: Uzbekistan 54: Vietnam 55: Yemen Select country: 12 Select country: China OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi deregister-dns 1: rails.samsungpaas.com 2: railstest.samsungpaas.com 3: railsdemo.samsungpaas.com 4: railstmp.samsungpaas.com 5: javawj.samsungpaas.com 6: javawj2.samsungpaas.com 7: javawangj.samsungpaas.com Select DNS: 7 1: ap-ne-test 2: bst-dev Select target: 1 1: China Select record: 1 OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi delete-dns 1: rails.samsungpaas.com 2: railstest.samsungpaas.com 3: railsdemo.samsungpaas.com 4: railstmp.samsungpaas.com 5: javawj.samsungpaas.com 6: javawj2.samsungpaas.com 7: javawangj.samsungpaas.com Select DNS: 7 OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi project-events 1: javagithub 2: javatest 3: javawj 4: railsgithub 5: railswj 6: sinatra Select Project: 2 Selected Project: javatest ------------———-----------------------———–-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Target | AppName | EventTime | EventInfo | EventDetail | ------------———-----------------------———–-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | 2012-08-04 08:15:06.0 | INFO | Success to create project : javatest | | ap-ne-test | java | 2012-08-04 08:18:32.0 | INFO | Success to create appliation. | | ap-ne-test | java | 2012-08-04 08:22:19.0 | INFO | Success to stop application. | | ap-ne-test | java | 2012-08-04 08:23:38.0 | INFO | Success to start application. | | ap-ne-test | java | 2012-08-04 08:28:40.0 | INFO | Success to scale instances to 2 | | ap-ne-test | java | 2012-08-04 08:32:59.0 | INFO | Success to upgrade application to : paashelp | | ap-ne-test | java | 2012-08-04 08:34:26.0 | ERROR | Fail to get log , the detail is :( Target: ap-ne-test.samsungcloud.org is not running! ) | | ap-ne-test | java | 2012-08-04 08:34:39.0 | ERROR | Fail to get log , the detail is :( Target: ap-ne-test.samsungcloud.org is not running! ) | | ap-ne-test | java | 2012-08-04 08:36:05.0 | INFO | Success to add env : aa=bb | | ap-ne-test | java | 2012-08-04 08:36:45.0 | INFO | Success to delete env. | | ap-ne-test | java | 2012-08-04 08:40:01.0 | INFO | Success to map url. | | ap-ne-test | java | 2012-08-04 08:40:10.0 | INFO | Success to unmap url. | ------------———-----------------------———–--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi project-tags 1: javagithub 2: javatest 3: javawj 4: railsgithub 5: railswj 6: sinatra Select Project: 2 Selected Project: javatest

-------- | Tag | -------- | v0.0.0 | --------

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi project-commits 1: javagithub 2: javatest 3: javawj 4: railsgithub 5: railswj 6: sinatra Select Project: 2 Selected Project: javatest 1: v0.0.0 Select Tag: 1 Selected Tag: v0.0.0 ------------------------------------------—————————-------------- | CommitId | Date | Comment | ------------------------------------------—————————-------------- | e6ea3d82736f742ce2e4b1f36a27889ca8b150ac | 2012-08-04 08:14:13 +0000 | init project | ------------------------------------------—————————--------------

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi delete-app 1: all 2: project 3: target Select application by: 2 Select application by project 1: javagithub 2: javatest 3: javawj 4: railsgithub 5: railswj 6: sinatra Select Project: 2 Selected Project: javatest 1: java Select Application: 1 Selected Application: java Deleting application: …OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi delete-project 1: javagithub 2: javatest 3: javawj 4: railsgithub 5: railswj 6: sinatra Select Project: 2 Selected Project: javatest Deleting project “javatest”: .….….…OK

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi logout Successfully logged out of [api.staging.samsungcloud.org]

  1. Common Exception

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi login Attempting login to ‘api.staging.samsungcloud.org’? [Yn]: n Please input URL: test.org Host is not available or is not valid: ‘test.org’ Problem with login, Cannot access target (getaddrinfo: Name or service not known), try again.

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi github Please input your name: ruanzhimin Please input your email: [email protected] Please input your password: ***

Error (5001007): Invalid github account.

ubuntu@admin:~$ pi project-events 12345678

Error (4043004): The project is not belongs to current account.Project id : 12345678